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  1. Sofia Ferreira Welcome New Poster

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    My name is Sofia Ferreira and work as podiatrist in Portugal since 2009. I love what i do but i'm always searching for new opportunities and projects.

    My favorite intervention areas are: diabetic foot care, geriatric foot and make custom made orthoses.

    Thank for your attention! Good work for everyone!
  2. Uwe Welcome New Poster

    thank you for the admission into the group. As required;), here a short introduction:

    My name is Uwe and I am the co-founder from Engico - a Chinese based company to to serve the fast growing healthcare and wellness market within China. We provide a proven and successful system to our local partner within the medical and retailer line, coupled with a training platform, to ensure a solid knowledge base for them.
    We are an open platform company and support our international partner with an easy and secure access to the huge market in China. We acknowledge as well the Traditional Chines Medicine (TCM) and combine this fundamental knowledge with western technology. This unique system is available via the platform for our clients and partner around the world.
    Looking forward for interesting discussions....

    Kind regards
< NDIS | Podiatrist focused on ballet research New to Podiatry Arena >

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