1. future_pod Member

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    Hi everyone,

    It's my first ever post and I'm so excited to have found this forum. Just exactly what I needed, online communication for future podiatrists. I'm 33 years old and interested in a career change into Podiatry after working over 10 years in the banking industry. I have a Commerce degree and a CPA. It's taken me a while to understand what's right for me and what is not. I don't really see myself working in banking in my 40s and older. I have applied Podiatry at Newcastle and Western Sydney Uni for next year, fingers crossed. In the mean time I would like to see what it is really like to work as a podiatrist in the real world before jumping back into uni which would be the biggest and riskiest decision I have ever made. I'm wondering how do I get the chance to shadow a podiatrist for a few days? Do I phone them up and ask? Do I make an appointment and tell them in person? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Mdea Member

    Hi there,


    You have definitely come to the right place for information. I am a new graduate from La Trobe University in Melbourne and I can remember what it was like at the start. The great uncertainty... I would suggest you get on the net and find all the local podiatry practices in your area. Either give them a call or drop in to see them and ask if they would mind you observing for a couple of days.

    Its the best way to find out what podiatrists actually do. You also may start building contacts for later on.

    My opinion is that PODIATRY IS AWESOME.

    Good luck
    Maddi :D
  3. future_pod Member

    Had a half a day shadow experience last Thursday with a Podiatric Surgeon in Sydney. It was very inspiring to see such a committed professional in the field for nearly 17 years. Just a bit concerned that he says half of the job is cutting toe nails and removing calluses. However the good side is that he says the industry is a goldmine and you get to make a difference to people's lives pretty much immediately. There was a lot of social interaction with the patients, chatting, which i quite enjoyed and this adds a very important human feel to the job which i think is very important. He finished at 5 on the dot and that is very enticing for someone like me who works very long hours in the banking industry. In the long term I can open my own private practice which is extremely enticing.
  4. future_pod Member

    Hi Maddi,

    Thanks for replying to my post. Is podiatry your first or second career? How are you finding podiatry work in the real world?
  5. future_pod Member

    Just an update that I have received an offer from Newcastle Uni and it looks like Im going to commence studying in March. I would love to get in touch with any students from Newcastle so please feel free to message me.

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