< What about the Archies arch support thongs? | Sudden sharp arch/heel pain when walking >
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    I am a healthy 31-year-old female who needs a new left leg. :eek:) I have had chronic pain in the left big toe joint for the past 3+ years. I ignored it for so long due to having 4 operations on my left knee, and I did not feel like messing with yet another orthopedic issue. I finally went to a DPM a few weeks ago and he did all the standard treatments (NSAIDS, steroids, walking boot, PT, etc) and none of that helped. Sent me for an MRI last week and found a whole list of...

    Microfracture surgery of left big toe joint?

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< What about the Archies arch support thongs? | Sudden sharp arch/heel pain when walking >

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