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  1. sadders Member

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    I know this is forbidden in the UK but, often a larger volume of fluid is useful in MSK steroid injections.

    Are there any vehicles we can mix with to increase the volume of fluid? I am sure that I read somewhere that water for injection is permissible. Would injectable saline be as well?

    I have sent an email to the MHRA for their advice, but they "aim to reply within 18 working days".

    With thanks
  2. AngieR Active Member

    I use glucose prolotherapy and increase the volume of fluid with traumeel or zeel, although the knee is the only place I would use up to 10ml.
    I know you can use saline, but I do believe it is illegal to mix as this creates a new solution that you are unlicensed to use! However, I'm sure it is done.

  3. sadders Member

    Thanks for the reply AngieR. I know mixing (usually with LA) is done standardly by most who inject steroid as there are many more positives to it than negatives against. The only negative I can think of is the legality issue. My problem has come up because I am writing a research proposal around a particular injection that is usually done in practice (by medics) with a mix of steroid and LA. The LA in this case is just to give volume of liquid, another vehicle such as saline would do just as well.

    Given that I am a Pod I don't want to make any legality based blunders in the write up.
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