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  1. kublaisweet Welcome New Poster

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    Hello everyone,
    I am very new here. Quite excited having made a late career change. Looking forward to becoming a mature pod student at UEL this September. Seat belt for the long journey ahead.

    I M:D
  2. Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    Hi and Welcome. UEL? Sorry this does not mean much to me here in Melbourne? Enjoy the career changed! :)
  3. kublaisweet Welcome New Poster

    Thanks hj--ray.
    UEL is the University of East London..
  4. sallymcginley Member

    I am thinking of doing this course. Do you think at 53 I am too old?
    Good luck with your course Kublaisweet
  5. kublaisweet Welcome New Poster

    Hi Sally,
    Thank you for your kind regards..
    No I do not think you are too old. I was worried myself (40s), and at my interview i did ask the question on numbers of mature students; but the tutors said Podiatry has a very high percentage of mature students. Obviously I wont know if that is true until we begin in Sept.
    The main thing I had to demonstrate was how my life experiences had led me to changing careers, and why now deciding on podiatry; - and also show commitment and prove i could complete the course. From the way the questions were asked, i got the impression that they did not care about my age at all -- it was never mentioned-- but were trying to make sure I did not underestimate the demands of the course (on finances, family, etc) and end up dropping out.
    Just my personal opinion: Perhaps other mature students can provide you with a more accurate response from their experiences.
    Are you thinking of starting in 2011 or 2012? And which unis are you considering?
    Good luck whatever you decide, but I would severely doubt if your age would be a factor.
  6. Ross123456 Welcome New Poster

    hi, welcome.....:santa2:
  7. sarahto Member

    :dizzy:hi I am a mature student studying podiatry, in Scotland, there is a few mature students on the course. The hardest thing is going back to writing essays, doing presenations (ok if you have done this at work) and trying to fitting in family, friends and study. At times the stress is high but well worth it to me. I will be 50 the year I get my honours degree (hopefully). I have found the class mix well and age is not a concern with any one. This site is good for recommending books and information.
  8. Flaco10004 Member

    Hi Sally. Depends on what your age-related concern is. I have just finished my 1st year at Eastbourne and will be 51 if I make it to the end. If the teaching staff think you're good enough to take it on, then trust their judgement. My only concern is that if and when I qualify, I then have to cut my teeth in the real world for a few years before I can consider myself to have reached an advanced [independently safe] level of competence. If I end up having to practice on my own (privately) after qualifying, then that could raise a few issues.

    I am by no means the only mature student there. Yes, it's tough and sometimes you might wonder what you've got yourself into, but it is SO worth it. You will form strong bonds with the rest of your cohort and everyone lends moral support if someone is struggling. In our case, the camaraderie extends right through into the 2nd and 3rd year cohorts too. Amazing experience.

    Do you already have another degree or have you just finished your Access course?
  9. sallymcginley Member

    Thank you for all your positive comments. I think I will go for it!! You only live once and I'd hate to regret not doing it when I'm even older!!
    For the past few years I have been doing a open university degree (finishing this year) so hopefully this will prepare me for the stress of essays writing etc.
    Anyway will tell you how I get on
    Best wishes
  10. sarahto Member

    good luck sally x
  11. Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    Hi to you all. As you can see this is a wonderful Profession and this site a Brilliant one!! Congrats again to admin :)

    Being a mature age student brings many bonuses. Some times "life wise" which is always a good thing.

    I may have been out there for 3 decades but I am still a student. :)

  12. Kaleidoscope Active Member

    Hi kublaisweet

    Im 51 and I graduate this year from Uni of East London. It was a very hard course - I cannot lie (but well worth it!!). Having done a BA (Hons) in Journalism and alternative publishing etc. I thought I would find it relatively easy (!) I wish I could say that it was. The main thing is to NOT go as wide as I did (obviously you need to read around the subject, but I ended up needing to know probably too much!).

    I found the other students (mostly) were very supportive if you make sure you offer help back! There were many who were just along for the ride.... basically chose your friends wisely... as at the end you will be having to do a Research Project with them and you NEED to know you can trust them.

    The drop out rate is quite high too, with 79 in my first year (although some were re-sits) so new were about 65 and there are about 15-20 finishing this year !!! (Although I havent heard if others have passed) You DO get more than one chance to pass stuff but your WHOLE module will be capped at 40% if you fail ONE part of it (so beware!).

    I cannot think of a more enthralling subject to learn.... about the human body and SO many people suffer with their feet.... so I DO hope you enjoy the course and remember to enjoy it too!!!!

    The placements are brilliant and I have met some lovely incredibly talented clinicians who are only too happy to help.... as long as you are committed and eager to learn.

    DO DO start reading NOW! There is ALOT to learn in the first year... start off with some Anatomy & Physiology books like MARTINI or TORTORA (although they may give you a list??). I absolutely HAVE to have the books (as I dislike borrowing) but remember you can re-sell them on Amazon afterwards and get quite good money back on them.... I sold my last degree books to fund this one and will shortly be selling alot of mine.... although I will be keeping Valmassy's Clinical Biomechanics and Kumar & Clarkes Pharmacology, as I look things up still!!

    The set books are Neale's Disorders of the Foot, Merriman and Turner's Assessment of the Lower Limb, and Treatment of Lower Limb. Hope you make some friends (you might find some about to start who respond to this posting!). Do also go to your local branch meetings if you can manage it and I also go to the Gt. Portland Street meeting which is always good.. with interesting speakers making sense of the lectures.

    The very best of luck and dont worry about the age... you wont need to learn so much about the psycho-social aspects as they come naturally to those over 30! That will make up for the fact that the youngsters have much more capacity to cram for exams (which older ones dont!) I liken it to the 'fast twitch, slow twitch' muscles you will learn about in the 1st year (they are muscles in the leg that are utilised at different times whilst running for say sprinting or long-distance running. As one gets older you have less fast-twitch muscles fibres and MORE slow-twitch fibres which have more longevity (I believe)...hence the age-comment!! If you counter that by starting to cram EARLIER you will be fine!!!

  13. tickly foot Member


    I started as a mature student, by no means found it easy but very enjoyable. I had a break for having family for a few years and now with the help of a friend with a clinic am getting back slowly into it and am loving all over again the studying, this site is a wonderful learning aid and inspires you to want to learn more.

    Good luck!
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