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    Flooding treatment of phobia to having her feet touched by physiotherapists, in a young woman with Down's syndrome and a traumatic brain injury.
    Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2006 Apr;16(2):230-6
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2006
  2. admin Administrator Staff Member

    Flooding = a behavioural approach which is contrary to counseling. In flooding client is presented with the feared stimulus until the associated anxiety disappears.
  3. Cameron Well-Known Member


    Not one to kiss and tell, but many moons ago I had a dear girlfriend who would vomit if her feet were tickled. Short relationship. But interesting to note she took up the calling of dietition.

    I have seen a patient who would go into uncontrollable giggles when treated by the podiatrist and sadly I have also seen a eldery gentleman die as a result of a heart attack brought on by foot tickling.

    Never a dull moment in podiatry

    Hey, what do I know
  4. When the kids finally manage to have you committed to the Ocean View Residential Home, I can see there will ne'er be a dull moment for your fellow guests! I guess you were just plain unlucky with the vomiting lady. I once had a liason with a madmoiselle of French/Creole origins - a jazz singer in New Orleans - who used to orgasm violently when the arch of her foot was raked with long fingernails. A very energy-efficient girl. Probably see one or two patients every month who are 'foot sensitive' in that respect, but rarely cultivate the thoughts these days.

    Yours in trepidation.....
  5. Craig Payne Moderator

    back on a serious note....

    Anyone have a problem with the method of "flooding" to treat the phobia in the case above. Imagine have a spider phobia and "flooding" them with exposure to spiders :eek: or snakes :eek:

    It sounds to me it could be more of a sensory integration issue rather than a phobia (based on the minimal info in the abstract) which has been well documented (especially in the occupational therapy literature). ... I have seen several cases where kids who are tactile defensive (one of the types of sensory integration dysfunction) are not able to tolerate wearing foot orthoses. I know Bug has done a lot with kids with this.

    This is the lecture notes I give students on this:
  6. Cameron Well-Known Member

    Mark and fellow foot observers
    (sorry for the cross posting)

    I did work with a colleague who participated in a ligitimate scientific experiement to observe the curling nature of the lesser toes during peaks in coital activity. They eventually had to abandon the experiment because the male went into excruciating leg cramps as he consciously focussed on the neuro-feedback from his digits.

    Not an easy feat

  7. Wasn't their similar research with females that was ultimately discredited after it was reported that some of the subjects were found to have participated in the experiment without first removing their tights?

    Apologies for the late reply.
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