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    Just wondering now that there quite a bit of stress with PDF´s being posted on threads, if the ability to attach PDF´s private message could be added.

    In a discussion if there´s 3 -4 people involved the abstracts could be posted in the thread and then full text PDF´s quickly sent to those involved in the discussion. Would help the flow of ideas continue with hopefully less stress from Journals.

    Ive got a list of email from people, but these are stored on the work computer so if I´m on here at night I would have to weight till the next working day or ask for emails again- well you get the idea.

    Just a thought.
  2. Bruce Williams Well-Known Member

    Along those lines maybe Admin would consider either a dropbox account or some other cloud account that would allow users access to stored or shared pdf's?

    if that is not kosher with the journal folks maybe we might all do this thru a similar format with what we all have on pdf's adn make those that we have available to regular list members?

    Kevin has done that and I applaud this! If we can agree on a format then count me in.

    PS thanks for the pdf the other day Michael!
  3. Griff Moderator

    I'm happy to get involved - I tend to have most peoples email addresses which I forward things to, but happy to use something online if easier

    PS Bruce - by spooky coincidence I've just sent you a mail/request ;)
  4. Your welcome Bruce

    A Podiatry Arena Drop box for those that buy admin a beer and those that Admin deem to add a great deal of their time to making Podiatry Arena what it is - a great idea.
  5. Good idea, Mike. Craig - meant to remind you the other week about the conversation we had a few month's back about an online practice resource area that members can access and use for the likes of press articles, patient information, advice sheets etc etc. It would be fantastic if we could build a global library that would be free to use before some Turkey gets the same idea and starts charging for the privilage!
  6. Paul Bowles Well-Known Member

    PORTAL Education (www.portaleducation.com) would be happy to contribute video content to a forum such as this - Craig and I have discussed this concept before, and even if we somewhat linked some of the relevant PORTAL content here on the Arena then we should still be able to track you though PORTAL and utilize that for CME/CPE points.
  7. I may regret ths time wise - But Craig if you want I can be the European timezone postman and loadup PDF´s as they come, help you store them etc.

    send me a PM if you want
  8. Dear Admin Sir

    is something like this a goer or .............
  9. NeedingMassage Active Member

    Have you tried saving all your non-critical files to Windows Live Skydrive or Google Documents so you can access them from any computer you're sitting at. That way you can manage your files but only consume storage space in one (free) location only. I use Skydrive for my Uni and TAFE files rather than carry (or forget to carry) flashdrives and it works a treat. Standard backup protocols are still required to be sure.
    Hope this helps,
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