< Podiatry Vision 2030: The Limited-License Orthopedic Surgeon | Homeless in Miami >
  1. podstudent2 Member

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    I've searched these forums and student doctor network, didn't find anything (or anything that was too useful alas.)

    So here it is: a soon to be graduate that will sit out the year. What opportunities exist without residency? starting a family and will apply next year. any suggestions? where to look for jobs?

    Thanks for the help
  2. drsarbes Well-Known Member


    Why sit out a year? If you are female and pregnant I can understand.

    The problem is that you will not be licensed for independent practice, so, you will need to look for an ancillary podiatry position. I would search out larger multi-podiatric clinics where you could work under someone's supervision.

    Good luck

< Podiatry Vision 2030: The Limited-License Orthopedic Surgeon | Homeless in Miami >

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