< Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp; Newcastle, Australia; 17 and 18 September 2016 | Health insurance in the US and Australia >
  1. Boots n all Well-Known Member

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    Hey guys, have any clients with BIG feet struggling to find footwear?

    Let them know we have a bit of marketing competition on, something different.


    "Reward posted *$500
    We are looking for Melbourne?s very own Big foot!
    It doesn't have to be the longest or the widest, it will be based on a combination of 3 measurements, its about the volume, size really does matter!
    All measurements will be taken with the latest technology, 3D laser scanner. No human error.
    Bilby shoe are custom shoe makers, Certified Pedorthist and also carry a wide range of extra large size and extra width fitting footwear. We really have never meet a foot we couldnt fit
    Gold coin entry and it all goes to the Northern Hospital.
    *2 prizes of $250 each, Male and Female are the categories. instore voucher so what are you waiting for! Ends June 30th 2016."
< Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp; Newcastle, Australia; 17 and 18 September 2016 | Health insurance in the US and Australia >

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