< How to Calculate the STJN and the Corrective Degree of Rearfoot Wedge | Are pre-fab orthotics justified for RA related pain relief? >
  1. Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

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    Hi, I seek assistance re running spikes.. Young teen high jumper presented with heel pain, lower limb pain. Are all spikes created equal?? Are any deeper than others?? Do any have any rearfoot cushioning?, support? Ahtlete will now reduce the wearing of them during training and wear for specifics only but maybe there is an alternative / improved version Current is Nike can fit maybe 1mm. Appreciate your assistance. kind regards hj
  2. PF 3 Active Member

    Hi HJ, If you are looking for a High jump specific spike then there will be next to no range. What spike are they in at the moment? They should have a "jumping" pair and a training pair (For running and training that doesn't involve actual high jumping.)

    Most brands have middle and long distance spikes which tend to have increased cushioning. I used to wear a modified formthotic in all my spikes, fit okay. You cant put much rear foot control (if any) so i just had a forefoot varus wedge.(You are on your toes any way)

    Rigid or semi rigid devices never seemd right for me in any type of spike. I have seem people use them, but i still think you can achieve as much as you are going too with a full-length formthotic and some modification to the forefoot.


  3. PodAus Active Member

    Specific High Jump spikes have a spike(s) under the heel to assist with heel placement/stability during takeoff preparation. Most of the major brands have a sports-specific range, however you need to order on-line or through company rep.

    Spike selection is individualistic both in shoe and length. Spike length is limited by venue regulations, dependant upon track surface (grass v different synthetics).

    I'd suggest trial of different spike (shoe) styles in training is required in this case. There are benefits in wearing DIFFERENT shoes on left v right - e.g. middle distance spike with increased sub-calc padding on lead foot (most impact on takeoff plant) and sprint spike on other foot = IT DEPENDS upon individual preference.

    Try it.... with various inshoe padding & orthotic devices (who says you can't prescribe devices specific to spikes for different events??)
  4. Tim Foran Active Member

    Hi PodAus

    I haven't dealt with too many jumpers but wouldn't you need a specific jumping spike on the lead foot for grip and stability?
  5. PodAus Active Member

    Injury free - of course.

    With calcaneal injury, I'd suggest no, particularly with training. Decrease jumping intensity with improved shock attenuation with(in) footwear modification.

    Injury/Risk management includes variation of footwear/training regime etc. Chronic 'niggles' allows jumping to continue, however working around this requires risk assessment & modification for the individual case.
  6. For those of you unfamiliar with the Fosbury Flop technique (invented by American Dick Fosbury who won the high jump in the 1968 summer olympic games) http://www.muhs.acsu.k12.vt.us/physics/HighJump/fosburyflop.htm and http://www.coachr.org/rotation.htm , the Fosbury Flop is now the preferred high jump technique used worldwide in track and field competitions. Here is a good video which shows the Fosbury Flop in both normal and slow motion http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3484201055805726603&q=high jump&hl=en

    There are tremendous impact forces of sometimes over 7,000 N between the heel of the takeoff foot and the ground using the Fosbury Flop technique http://coachesinfo.com/category/athletics/48/. Some athletes respond well to thin, rigid heel cups in their takeoff foot to lessen impact forces on the plantar heel or to using a heel donut pad or to using heel cushions of some form. Also heel pad taping can be used which takes little room in the shoe. Heel pain in the takeoff foot is common in high jump athletes and often even the best shoes won't help the pain much. Consider one of the heel accommodation/cushioning solutions above along with good high jumping spikes for your young athlete.
  7. jb Active Member

    Try asics oceania - very reliable event-specific spikes (no advertisement intended). Pretty sure they market a high-jump spike; not terribly cost effective though.

    Good luck
  8. Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    Thank you all for the input, I will take this all on board as we continue with treatment plan. Once again what a brilliant resource this site is. I will keep you informed. Pt is unable to cut back training now as the state championships are due shortly. She currently straps for very weak ankles, has had ankle instability for 2 years saw physio 10 months ago, been strapping since but no strengthening program. Wore silicone soft heel cushion for a short time helped but at approx 3mm thick can not fit in shoe.

    cheers Heather
  9. PodAus Active Member

    injury management is all part of competing - this is area where short-term symptom reduction can becomes the focus - injection Tx possible tool for senior elite competition - not advised for juniors...

    In shoe padding, taping, night splint(?), icing (even for placebo) best focus until competition.
  10. My favourite athletics event by far. While Kevin K. was a pretty good distance runner, I was too lazy for all that running and concentrated on the high jump in my youth- County Champion, English Schools Competitor.

    I was talking with a high jumper this Thursday and was interested to note the difference in the spikes he uses compared to those which I had used. For starters, when I was competing high jump spikes were not symmetrical pairs, hence I wore one shoe with spikes in the heel and the other shoe was more like a middle distance shoe.

    His shoes were Adidas High Jump- a pair! I was very impressed with the sole unit of these shoes. Lots of medial longitudinal arch support to help control the massive eversion at take off: curved run-up, foot planted while leg and body is laid back ( i.e. massive jumping limb varus), this combined with large impact force means much much much pronation moment.

    We know that as the STJ pronates the sagittal plane pitch of the axis is reduced. as I recall, Bart Van Gheluwe looked at STJ axis position in high jumpers and noted a position in which the pitch of the axis was rotated downward in the sagittal plane, i.e. virtually opposite to it's "normal" inclination in this plane. In other words normal pronation / supination motion goes out of the window in high jump.

    My advise to this competitior is to invest in some proper shoe gear- approx £80 UK
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2006
  11. Here is Bart's paper on STJ axis location on two elite high jumpers. How many subjects are required to make an interesting and useful study?? ;)

  12. Thanks Kevin.

    Making an interesting study has nothing to do with the nuumber of subjects, it's about what floats your boat. In terms of numbers required to make a useful study- it depends on whether I like what they are saying or not ;) Joking apart this is clearly under-powered :D I'm currently collecting data from a whole field full of pigs I spotted while out for a run yesterday, 1-beta > 80%

    Anyway back to the point, it seems my memory doesn't serve me too well and in fact Bart identified axial positions similar to those obtained by previous workers. So once that talus drives into the calcaneus at the sinus tarsi, creating a positive Kirby's sign ;) it ain't going any further.
  13. Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    Hi once again wanted to say thanks for all the info. I am ready and waiting for a high jumper to arrive?
    Unfortunately the young lady has not returned for a follow up> I will let you know of any developments kind regards hj
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