< Locum Band 5 or 6 Podiatrist - Wiltshire | Part-time Podiatrist in Cardiff >
  1. A Thomson Welcome New Poster

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    15 years mostly private practice experience, graduate of London Foot Hospital, competent and experienced in all areas of Podiatry. Offering the full treatment expected by private patients. Available part time due to moving areas and starting a new clinic. I suspect it'll be a few years before I'm busy enough in the new clinic to not want additional days elsewhere but as well as longer term commitments i'm interested in short term cover, including various sick/holiday cover if it fits with my availability. I'm based in Birmingham but willing to travel quite far if there is a sufficiently busy day or days and willing to work into the evening to make the journey worthwhile.

    If you have a position you think I might be interested in please get in touch to discuss it: aa.thomson at icloud.com (change at for @)
< Locum Band 5 or 6 Podiatrist - Wiltshire | Part-time Podiatrist in Cardiff >

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