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  1. adavies Active Member

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    Ever have one of those days?

    ' I can't wear my orthoses because they slip around in my shoes. Yes, BUT I CAN ONLY WEAR SLIP-ON SHOES!!!' :bang:

    Heaven help us - so I've starting praying to the Shoe Gods before I make a sarcifice - (one of my patients probably)

    Kiwi AD
  2. Boots n all Well-Known Member

    You need to think outside the square a bit more.

    There is away that clients can wear a slip on shoe very successfully with an orthosis, you just insert a 6 inch nail through the back of the shoe into their foot, there is no way known that is going to slip.

    We had one yesterday that had a rigid shell orthosis and she wanted to purchase a high heel to fit it into:deadhorse:
  3. Denny Member

    Had a patient in today with some "docpod" orthotics she had purchased in Australia. Over the counter variety with a velcro spot embedded into the underside to attach to slip on/ backless shoes.
    Not a bad idea as a compromise, as long as you remind the patient "it is a compromise to be worn for short periods of time when they just have to wear those strappy shoes!"
    My patient feels she now has a bit more choice with footwear over summer as she can alternate between my casted orthotics and these OTC variety.
    I have tried to use velcro dots to adhere orthotics into sandels in the past but not very sucessfully. I think these work as the heel seat is flat so doesn't matter too much if the heel moves around, so basically they are just an arch support and as such they aren't too bad for those patients that just have to wear those backless shoes.
  4. For the ladies that cannot be swayed to wear closed shoes I often use a velcro strip about 3 cm long and 1 cm wide, stuck right in the center of the orthotic. It works fine and at least they are a bit happier.
    But I feel your pain!:dizzy::
  5. Beth Gill Member

    Podiatrist: "Are your shoes all similar to these ones, or do you have some different ones?"

    Patient: "Oh no, I've got these in red, black and brown. I love them!!"

    Podiatrist: "Hmmm" :craig:
  6. pgcarter Well-Known Member

    You can build a shaped EVA contour device to adhere to the inner midsole top surface of almost any shoe, if you have the skill and they have the money to pay anything should be possible. Doing this kind of stuff will alter the focus of pressure under feet enough to improve comfort while wearing stupid shoes. Clearly this kind of stuff is a compromise of treatment but so is sunscreen......we are still out in the sun, just not basted in coconut oil.
    regards Phill Carter
  7. Freddy Member

    It's like talking into a black hole with ladies and their dancing shoes. Compromise vs biomechanical control is directly proportional to compliance. However you do wonder sometimes, why do I bother?

    Answer: because we like a challenge!
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