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  1. Boots n all Well-Known Member

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    My nephew and friend are traveling OS at the moment.

    1st week Miss is bitten by a monkey and is require to have rabies shot every few days as a result, so their travel is restricted to, can they be at the next destination with a hospital with the right rabies shots for her within the time frame.

    A few weeks later her sore heel becomes a real issue, nothing to do with the rabies(?) she now needs to get to a hospital for assessment to be Medivaced out of there, these photos from her hospital visits, yes in the hospital....glad l live in Australia.

    Attached Files:

  2. Looks a bit spider bitey to me!

    Lucky girl!
  3. Boots n all Well-Known Member

    A question to ask, thank you.

    Miss was complaining of a sore heel for sometime before the break down to this stage

    They will arrive home sometime tomorrow morning.
< New years resolutions | PapHugs is nominated for a Grammy >

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