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Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by NewsBot, Mar 28, 2006.

  1. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.


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    Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome in Athletes
    American Journal of Sports Medicine
  2. Atlas

    Atlas Well-Known Member

    How is TTS assessed and confirmed???

    In relation to its counter-part in the upper-limb (carpal tunnel syndrome), the signs and symptoms are classical. Patients often c/o symptoms, relating to median nerve compromise, that are worse in the morning. Nerve conduction tests are quite conclusive. Jamar dynamometer strength testing is consistently poor.

    How is TTS diagnosed? What are the signs and symptoms?
  3. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Moderator

    These are my notes I used to handout when I used to teach the neurology:
  4. Atlas

    Atlas Well-Known Member

    Thanks for that Craig.

    I was speaking to a nerve-conduction-test-technician at the Epworth last year while he was assessing my CTS, and when questioning him about TTS, he said "I don't think it exists as much as 'they' think". I don't know who is 'they'. 'They' might be 'us'.

    I hope I am not confusing myself with SinusTarsiSyndrome. I must contact the tech again to find out for sure.
  5. John Spina

    John Spina Active Member

    I find a few of my TTS patients will complain of heaviness or fatigue in the foot.Is that common? As for cause,it seems to me like the tarsal tunnel is a crowded place.It has 4 compartments.There are muscles,nerves and blod vessels here.It could be a case of overcrowding.Of course,either ankle instability or sports that put pressure on the ankle are a major cause of it.
  6. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Tarsal tunnel syndrome: Assessment of treatment outcome with an anatomic pain intensity scale
    William H. Gondring , Elly Trepman and Byron Shields
    Foot and Ankle Surgery Volume 15, Issue 3, September 2009, Pages 133-138
  7. NewsBot

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    Tibial Nerve Decompression in Patients with Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome: Pressures in the Tarsal, Medial Plantar, and Lateral Plantar Tunnels.
    Rosson GD, Larson AR, Williams EH, Dellon AL.
    Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009 Oct;124(4):1202-1210.
  8. NewsBot

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    Tarsal tunnel syndrome and flexor hallucis longus tendon hypertrophy.
    Rodriguez D, Devos Bevernage B, Maldague P, Deleu PA, Leemrijse T.
    Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. 2010 Sep 16. [Epub ahead of print]
  9. NewsBot

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    Tarsal tunnel syndrome associated with a pulsating artery: effectiveness of high-resolution ultrasound in diagnosing tarsal tunnel syndrome.
    Kim E, Childers MK.
    J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2010 May-Jun;100(3):209-12.
  10. scfitzner

    scfitzner Member

    I am not sure if our neurologists here in Canada are doing EMG/NCV tests different than in USA but I haven't gotten a single positive test for TTS. In fact I have had 2 Neurologists say to my patients that there is no such thing as TTS. One of my patients told me that when she was getting the testing done that the Doctor wasn't sure where the nerve was and was looking in a text book of anatomy to find the location (the pt wasn't too confident they did it right). Since then I feel I am doing my patients a disservice by sending them for that torture test. I may be wrong but I think that TTS is a clinical diagnosis. Does anyone know how technician dependent EMG/NCV tests are?
  11. NewsBot

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    High-resolution MR neurography: evaluation before repeat tarsal tunnel surgery.
    Chhabra A, Subhawong TK, Williams EH, Wang KC, Hashemi S, Thawait SK, Carrino JA.
    AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2011 Jul;197(1):175-83.
  12. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    A touch pressure sensory assessment of the surgical treatment of the tarsal tunnel syndrome.
    Gondring WH, Shields B.
    Foot Ankle Surg. 2011 Dec;17(4):266-9.
  13. NewsBot

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    Tarsal tunnel syndrome: A literature review
    M. Ahmada, et al
    Foot and Ankle Surgery
  14. NewsBot

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    The triple compression stress test for diagnosis of tarsal tunnel syndrome.
    Abouelela AA, Zohiery AK.
    Foot (Edinb). 2012 Mar 7
  15. NewsBot

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  16. NewsBot

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    Role of ultrasound in posteromedial tarsal tunnel syndrome: 81 cases
    Olivier Fantino
    Journal of Ultrasound; March 2014
  17. gez

    gez Member

    I found this while researching a particularly interesting patient of mine.


    The patient I was seeing had been experiencing chronic burning sensation to the plantar aspect of both feet.
    Treatment from a physician has been increasingly higher doses of amitriptyline with little success.

    I noticed he was wearing elasticated supports to both wrists and asked what he was using them for. He had bi-lateral carpel tunnel release surgery several years ago.
    I referred him off to a neurologist who has confirmed Tarsal tunnel syndrome through nerve conduction studies.

    The above paper suggest a link between the two conditions with narrowing found to both the tarsal and carpel tunnel's in some of the subjects tested.
  18. NewsBot

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    Pulsed radiofrequency under ultrasound guidance for the tarsal tunnel syndrome: two case reports.
    Chon JY, Hahn YJ, Sung CH, Jung SH, Moon HS.
    J Anesth. 2014 Apr 12.
  19. NewsBot

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    Results of surgical treatment of tarsal tunnel syndrome
    Paweł Reichert, , Krzysztof Zimmer, Witold Wnukiewicz, Sebastian Kuliński, Piotr Mazurek, Jerzy Gosk
    Foot and Ankle Surgery; Available online 9 September 2014
  20. NewsBot

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    Anatomical Characteristics of the Flexor Digitorum Accessorius Longus Muscle and Their Relevance to Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
    A Systematic Review

    Paul-Andr? Deleu, MSc Pod; Bernhard Devos Bevernage, MD; Ivan Birch, PhD; Pierre Maldague, MD; Vincent Gombault, MD; Thibaut Leemrijse, MD
    Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association: July 2015, Vol. 105, No. 4, pp. 344-355.
  21. NewsBot

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    ?Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome?a narrative literature review?
    Simon C. McSweeney, Matthew Cichero
    The Foot; Article in Press
  22. NewsBot

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    The prevalence of tarsal tunnel syndrome in patients with lumbosacral radiculopathy.
    Zheng C et al
    Eur Spine J. 2015 Sep 25
  23. NewsBot

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    Tarsal tunnel syndrome secondary to venous insufficiency. Case report
    Orozco-Villase?or S, Martin-Oliva X, Elgueta-Grillo J, V?zquez-Escamilla J, Parra-T?llez P, L?pez-Gavito E.
    Acta Ortop Mex. 2015 May-Jun;29(3):186-90.
  24. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Tarsal tunnel syndrome secondary to venous insufficiency. Case report
    Orozco-Villase?or S, Martin-Oliva X, Elgueta-Grillo J, V?zquez-Escamilla J, Parra-T?llez P, L?pez-Gavito E.
    Acta Ortop Mex. 2015 May-Jun;29(3):186-90.
  25. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    The impact of tarsal tunnel syndrome to cold sensation in the pedal extremities.
    Kokubo R et al
    World Neurosurg. 2016 May 2
  26. NewsBot

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    Value of Motor Nerve Conduction Studies in the Diagnosis of Idiopathic Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome: A Single-center Prospective Observational Study from India.
    Sodani A et al
    Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2018 Jan-Mar;21(1):35-41. doi: 10.4103/aian.AIAN_320_17.
  27. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Validity of Tinel sign and prevalence of tibial nerve entrapment at the tarsal tunnel in both diabetic and non-diabetic subjects: a cross-sectional study.
    Rinkel WD et al
    Rconstr Surg. 2018 Aug 11.
  28. NewsBot

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    Validity of Tinel sign and prevalence of tibial nerve entrapment at the tarsal tunnel in both diabetic and non-diabetic subjects: a cross-sectional study
    Rinkel, Willem D et al
    Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: August 11, 2018 - Volume PRS Online First - Issue - p
  29. NewsBot

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    Ultrasound-guided decompression surgery of the tarsal tunnel: a novel technique for the proximal tarsal tunnel syndrome-Part II.
    Fernández-Gibello A et al
    Surg Radiol Anat. 2018 Oct 31.
  30. NewsBot

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    Ultrasound-guided decompression surgery of the distal tarsal tunnel: a novel technique for the distal tarsal tunnel syndrome—part III
    Simone MoroniAlejandro Fernández GibelloMarit ZwierzinaGabriel Camunas NievesRubén MontesJosé SañudoTeresa VazquezMarko Konschake
    Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 23 February 2019
  31. NewsBot

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    Results of ultrasound-guided release of tarsal tunnel syndrome: a review of 81 cases with a minimum follow-up of 18 months.
    Iborra A et al
    J Orthop Surg Res. 2020 Jan 28;15(1):30
  32. NewsBot

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    Analysis of Surgical Cases of Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome in Our Department: Case Series and Literature Review.
    Yunoki M
    Asian J Neurosurg. 2020 Feb 25;15(1):59-64
  33. NewsBot

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    The natural history of tarsal tunnel syndrome in diabetic subjects.
    Rinkel WD et al
    J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2020 Feb 19
  34. NewsBot

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    Surgical efficacy analysis of tarsal tunnel syndrome: a retrospective study of 107 patients
    Xin Yu et al
    Cell Tissue Bank. 2020 Oct 27
  35. NewsBot

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    Predictive factors of effective tibial nerve release in tarsal tunnel syndrome
    MauriceBouysset et al
    Foot and Ankle Surgery; 3 July 2021
  36. NewsBot

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    Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
    An Ultrasound Pictorial Review

    Ocacir de Souza Reis Soares MD, Márcio Luís Duarte MSc, Jean-Louis Brasseur MD
    03 August 2021
  37. NewsBot

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    Unusual bilateral variation of the flexor digitorum accessorius longus muscle and its relation on tarsal tunnel syndrome
    Dustin C Lin et al
    Surg Radiol Anat. 2021 Sep 24
  38. NewsBot

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    Unusual bilateral variation of the flexor digitorum accessorius longus muscle and its relation on tarsal tunnel syndrome
    Dustin C. Lin, Raissa Zuim Dantas De Souza, Ann Fefferman, Vincent Baribeau, Bailey Bunch, Ann C. Zumwalt & Jonathan J. Wisco
    Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy (2021)
  39. NewsBot

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    Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome: Outcome According to Etiology
    Matthieu Lalevée et al
    J Foot Ankle Surg. 2021 Oct 23
  40. NewsBot

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    An update on imaging of tarsal tunnel syndrome
    Davoud Khodatars, Ankur Gupta, Matthew Welck & Asif Saifuddin
    Skeletal Radiology (2022)

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