< Foot Joint Kinematics with Varying Midfoot Orthotic Postings | Avulsion Fracture of Cuboid or Os Peroneum >
  1. Craig Payne Moderator


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    In all my time on Facebook, I have never had anything like the video below show up in my newsfeed so many times! I have lost count how many times it has showed up. Everyone is sharing it repeatedly.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
  2. Been doing that since 93 when I sold shoes in a sports shop during the last 2 years at uni.

    not much new here
  3. Griff Moderator

    It's ridiculous how viral this has gone. Even more astonishing given it is neither new information nor rocket science.
  4. Craig Payne Moderator

    Indeed; its still showing up with annoying regularity in my feeds!
  5. Here is what I said on my practice Facebook page about the video.

  6. Boots n all Well-Known Member

    My "Ron Barassi" Footy boots had this feature....well over 40 years ago.

    l was a skinny runt that needed all the help l could get to make the "hand me down" big brothers boots stay on my feet after every kick
  7. seanpincus Member

    I agree with Mike. I was doing this at totalsports when I was a student in 1986-1990. I have been fiddling with laces to secure differently for different issues. Wait I know lets start a viral video on a magic lacing technique to prevent forefoot numbness just by missing a couple lace holes
    Cheers all
  8. i-a-n Member

    He didn't show, therefore prove that he'd knocked his heel back in the shoe as far as possible, thus rendering any fancy or otherwise lacing technique as much use as a fart in a spacesuit.
  9. Dr. Steven King Well-Known Member


    This just proves what the general public thinks advanced technology is.

    What would be wrong with a high-mid top running shoe to do the same thing?

    Or to ask the shoe companies to stop "mugging my heels" with the anteriorgrade cupping of the heel counter that causes many of my blisters. (some of us suffer from large retrocalcaneal exostosises from Sever's disease) and most shoe companies don't care and don't compensate.

    A hui hou,
  10. toomoon Well-Known Member

    It is so annoying I did my own lacing system vid.. for anyone interested.. you can see it here
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
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