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  1. Boots n all Well-Known Member

  2. Stirling Active Member

    " But podiatrists and orthotists are not the only foot specialists out there.

    Ann Lewis has been fitting little feet at a local shoe shop for 25 years. "

    So I didn't need to put in years of study to become a foot specialist?! Why didn't someone tell me all I needed to know was how to fit shoes properly. :D
  3. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    The orthotist 'fits orthotics and heel lifts and things'. i want to know to whom he fits which 'orthotics and heel lifts and things"!
  4. Paul Bowles Well-Known Member

    It doesn't matter they all get better!!!!

    I always find it amazing that standing someone on the "latest technology" that measures static plantar pressures can lead to such accurate diagnoses as:

    "You see that, he has more weight on his right side - there is a problem there - you need a Clarkes Daytona and a pair of $600 innersoles"

    ...and how convenient that you can't stand the patient on the same machine whilst standing in the innersoles and new shoes!!

    I am always envieble of all these damn specialists with their fancy machines which go "bing"!

    Look I am just being sarcastic now - good luck to them both, I mean that honestly. The community needs more people to sell Clarkes school shoes.....

    **PS - If Clarkes read this thread I expect free school shoes for all my kids for the rest of their school years for the plug I just gave you! Nothing comes for free gentlemen - PM me for their sizes**

    ***PPS - Surely that was an "advertorial" paid for by Clarkes on A Current Affair! Tracey Grimshaw/Layla McKinnon, you are turning into Kerry Ann Kennerley - I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing!***
  5. Boots n all Well-Known Member

    l dont believe Clarkers paid for anything at all, but l could be wrong, Dunlop/Pacific brands do like spending money.

    Bata was promoted also..(not as well) the guys at Bata didnt even know until l told them.

    But what l want to really know is why they didnt give the locally made school shoe ago.....Go Aussie made school shoes:D
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