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  1. dmasikat Member

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    I am about to start my dessertation and I am torn between doing a critical review of the use of video in gait analysis and the use of computer software in gait analysis. I am not a very technical person but the two just sound fascinating to me and was thinking it would help me understand these gadgets better, do you think its a good idea for a novice? Will I be able able to get much information to base my review on, or its just wishful thinking for me?????????????? Please help. :confused:
  2. davidh Podiatry Arena Veteran

    Unless you have previous experience from which to draw on, I suggest finding a simpler subject for your dissertation.
  3. I think the key here is that you said that you are attemnpting a critical review and not attempting to use the systems and evaluate them directly. Hence you will be searching the literature for published studies of reliability etc.

    One could begin by establishing the problems inherent in 2D video analysis, capture rates etc.

    Perhaps try contacting the manufacturers of each system and ask them to send you their literature. This would enable side by side comparisons of technical specifications.
  4. dmasikat Member

    I received lots of information and to be honest it was all Greek to me. Decided to stick with the more conventional topics. I am now going to do a lit review on the ABPI or 1st MTPJ osteoarthritis. I know I am a chicken but hey what can I do? Thanks guys, will be calling on you for help as I go along.
  5. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

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