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  1. admin Administrator Staff Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    A lot of the visitors don't register as a user - that's fine, but there are advantages:
    * cookies remember you when you return - all new posts since your last visit are highlighted ----- that makes life easier for you to see what has been happening.
    * obviously, you can't post messages unless registered.
    * attachments (pictures and pdf files) can not be accessed unless you are registered and logged in
    * there are additional functions for navigating the site and finding things that only become active when you are logged on as a user.
    * we try to send out a newsletter on a reguar basis with the highlights of what has been happening that month, so even if you do not visit, you can quiclkly scan the threads and then choose to visit.

    Register here

    Last edited: Sep 22, 2016
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