< Looking for Peads Pod in Perth | Age 7, hot, painful feet during the night, crying in pain >
  1. jr13 Welcome New Poster

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    This is my first post and i wonder if anyone can help with an ever increasing problem. I run Children's gait clinics and find that the footwear is appauling. But ever increasingly parents are saying that they cannot get shoes wide enough as their child is measuring a H or I fitting but the shoe shops do not sell this fitting.
    Any ideas???
  2. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  3. Boots n all Well-Known Member

    If we could start with what country your from as not all brands are in every country.

    As a rule broad fittings are easier to get than narrow fittings, sadly every one goes into a wide shoe, even if it too wide for them
< Looking for Peads Pod in Perth | Age 7, hot, painful feet during the night, crying in pain >

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