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    It is very interesting to have scholarly debates and discussions with other individuals from around the globe on Podiatry Arena. Having been around for some time now, and taking for granted what I can see now in patients, that I could not in my earlier years of practice when I was less experienced, somehow makes up for my advancing age.

    However, I find that when a diagnosis is missed by a colleague, or that colleague is not able to easily see what they should be able to see, it often leaves one perplexed. In this regard, I'm sure many of you have experienced the ability to recognize pathology, deformities and conditions that are often ignored or even dismissed by others as not even being present.

    For these situations, here is one of my favorite medical quotes that I hope all of you all remember regarding your colleagues that miss diagnoses in patients. This quote comes from Dr. Charles Rockwood, an American shoulder surgeon, who once said regarding missed diagnoses, "You may not have seen it, but it has seen you.";)
    Last edited: May 2, 2008
  2. Agreed.

    Which makes you wonder what you will be able to see in 10 years which presently escapes you!

    Bio tensegrity perhaps:D

  3. David Smith Well-Known Member

    Stand fast comrades! Robert is being drawn by the dark side. Biotensegrity - t'is more evil than Lex Luther and more elusive than a Thames river Lamprey on ganja.....I know it too wet to smoke but, of course, he ate it! in the form of contraband baked chocolate confectionary crumbs that dropped from the escaping Lord Lucans beard as he floated face down on his way to the North sea and disguised as Bernard Manning's disgarded Gall bladder.

    You are entering the twilight zone!!


    Or are give the wonder coverall diagnosis of arthritis and/or your old (over 50) so what do you expect. (and of course Heel spur)

    Cheers Dave
    Last edited: May 2, 2008
  4. notumbo Welcome New Poster


    Long time, no see! Nice to see you still hammering away! Saw your mention of my "technique" on another post of yours - nice to be remembered. I hope all is well with you - I'm still in the Bay Area, but in other work these days. I'm often in the East Bay - might be nice to run into you for lunch some time.

    Get in touch,

    Notty Bumbo
  5. Adrian Misseri Active Member

    Nice one David! Not quite brave enough to use the 'you're old so what do you expect?' line yet, but maybe in a few years!

  6. Notty:

    Welcome to Podiatry Arena. Hope all is well and I look forward to seeing your contributions to "the Arena" when you get a chance.:drinks
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