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    Ive been thinking back to my days at C.I.T over the last little while.

    Just thought I would start a post to see whats up with the 1st pod degree students 15 years on. See if we can track down the whole class etc.

    Remember what were up to 15 years ago... Biomex 5000 words, podmed 5000 words, thesis, studing for exams stressing about prac exam etc.

    Ive seen B RENNIE on here a few times. Ive had a beer with Chops once or twice over the last 15 years ( he nows has a wife my old roommate from C.I.T.and at least one child) and I had a little email traffic from Simon Wheeler who also has a wife and new baby.

    I meet someone in Canada who was mates with Mark in London and saw a photo of Brian (sarge) in some apoda info a month ago.

    So thought that it would be cool to find out whats going on how many are still working etc. Get some life stories. Ill post mine under here.

    you might also notice my signiture thanks to Greame Young wonder what he´s up too.
  2. I guess I´ll start by saying it´s 14 years but might be 15 before anyone else writes anything.

    So here´s a quick run down since I saw most of you at grad in Upper hutt C.I.T.

    Back to oz strated work with a pod surg lots of biomechancis. Bulit up a nice full list was considering buying a house starting out on my own, but decided to travel 1st.

    Of the asia and Europe for a trip back home working 3 jobs none of which were Podiatry related just to get $ together then of the Whistler Canada for a couple of years in the snow fields, meet my future wife who happened to be Swedish. After a couple of years bumming around oz working here and there we settled in Stockholm and I openned the 1st private Pod clinic over here. Ive done some teaching at the School here which opened 3 years ago but will close in 2. Strange but true.

    Working here has been a intersting experience. A bit like time travel back to the 70´s medical systems of Australia and NZ. we have built a house here with us doing most of the work so now I can put plumber, plaster, painter, charpenter on to my list of jobs that I can do a bit of.

    As the summer is coming to you guys I´m looking out at snow failing on the streets of Stockholm.
    Would be good to here a few other from our class news and see if we can get a few others on here.
  3. adavies Active Member

    Hi Micheal,

    I was at CIT back in '95, so I guess i missed being there with you.

    The lecturer's back in my day included Graeme Young, Head of department -Anne Marie Carr, Phil Green from Newcastle in England, Tim Halpin used to help out.

    There are a couple of other but can't quite remember their names.

    Knowing my luck I'll remember after I post this.

    Well a bit about me - when I was at CIT I helped get the students involved with the society and association with student membership. I was elected to be a student rep for some of the meetings they had.

    Did various things like you and meet a German. We now live in England and have 2 kids (luckily 1 boy and 1 girl). I work for the NHS in Bromley, Kent, UK, as an advanced musculoskeletal podiatrist - basically bio's with exercises thrown in for good measure.

    Well I hope it doesn't snow too much, here is just wet and cold


    Alan Davies - (known mainly as AD):santa:
  4. adavies Active Member

    Hi Michael,

    My Name is Alan Davies (was mainly known as AD). I was at CIT in '95. I think we might have missed each other by a couple years.

    The teachers I had were Graeme Young, Anne-Marie Carr - she was also the head of Podiatry, a guy called Phil Green from Newcastle in England, Tim Halpin and a couple of others that I can't quite recalled theirnames at the moment.

    Knowing my luck I'll remember after I post this.

    I married a German and live in England - but did pretty much what you did.
    I now work for the NHS in Bromley (kent, UK) as an advance musculoskeletal podiatrist - really just doing bio's with some exercises thrown in for good measure.

    Anyway you can contact me direct at alan.davies@bromleypct.nhs.uk - up to you

    take care hope it's not snowing too hard


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