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Great little job in a great little city @ Dunedin Podiarty

Discussion in 'Employment in New Zealand' started by Rich, Aug 4, 2021.

  1. Rich

    Rich Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    Want to work and continue learning at being better with what you can do ? Are you able to look past prescribing orthoses as your treatment mainstay for MSK patients. Willing to to see a mix of clients on a daily basis and make a positive difference for them.
    We have a position available within the practice for someone who is eager to employ their skills from palliative care, exercise prescription,manual therapy and patient focused education.
    We are a busy clinic with a very extensive referral system from allied practitioners as well as a very loyal patient base. We will support you in treatment areas that are new to you such as foot mobilisation, which we have been doing for over 2 decades, or how, why and when to engage is exercise prescription.
    There is no weekend work hours expected of you, but we do want, and value honesty, integrity and a sense of humor.
    If you want to know more email us at dunedinpodiatry@gmail.com

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