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Hoka Ones

Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by Bone, Jul 21, 2011.

  1. Bone

    Bone Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    What do you think of Hoka Ones.
    Has anyone tried these shoes? I saw them at the Melbourne Pod conference but never tried a pair on.
    Seem to be bucking the minimalist trend, could be worth a try?
  2. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    I think they look ridiculous.

    I think it all comes back to the topic of 'stiffness'.
  3. Bone

    Bone Member

    Regardless of looking a little odd I just thought that they may be worth considering for certain paitients, who knows thay might even work well with a nicely molded pair of light blue formthotics ;)
  4. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    The question then becomes: how do we identify which patients these may be worth considering for?
  5. Bone

    Bone Member

    Possibly only those who require Tom Cruise Technology!

    Seriously though, potentially any patient who may benefit from the rocker heel/forefoot design of the midsole, or the extra cushioning and stability/width.

    From their site - Hoka OneOne running shoes utilise a unique rolling motion to deliver superior underfoot performance. The sole features a 50% rockering profile to provide a smooth, energy efficient stride transition from the heel strike through to the push off from the forefoot. It is this progressive motion that propels you forward with each and every strike of the foot.

    .....could be bollocks though
  6. RobinP

    RobinP Well-Known Member

    True, it could be bo!!ocks

    No shortage of rocker profiled shoes on the market today.

    These ones look particularly fugly however.........in my opinion.

  7. CamWhite

    CamWhite Active Member

    It's very easy to speculate about a shoe based on its appearance. But looks can often be deceiving. The real test is to actually wear the shoes and find out how they drive.

    Several marathoners and ultra-marathoners seem to be very impressed with the Hoka One Ones, despite their unusual appearance:


    If an elite runner manages to run 2,000 miles in 40 days without incident in these shoes, there just may be something to the technology.
  8. I ran in a couple of these Hoka One One shoes last week at the local running shoe store and I was impressed with the combination of cushioning, stability, lightness and "springiness" that these shoes have. I am seriously considering getting a pair of them to run in since my old legs certainly need something to keep them going.

    For over two decades, when I have been teaching courses on running shoe biomechanics, I would generalize that the shoes with the softest and thickest midsoles tend to also be the ones with the least amount of frontal plane stability. The Hoka One One shoe seems to break this "rule" of running shoe sole design with their extra wide-wrap around sole. The mass of the shoe is also actually less than other traditional running shoes.

    I was skeptical at first, but now I am impressed. You really have to run in this shoe to fully appreciate it is probably one of the most revolutionary running shoe designs to come along in some time. Many of the serious runners at the shoe store are also impressed with this shoe and how well it does on trails.

    I think it may also be a shoe that I also may start recommending to my walking patients who have plantar heel pain due to walking and standing for long periods on hard surfaces (plantar compression forces causing plantar heel pain). Don't know yet if they will work well with foot orthoses or not. The biggest drawbacks that I see is the relatively expensive price and their unusual look.

    I guess that "minimalist shoes" are out and "maximalist shoes" are on the way in.;)

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  9. Dana Roueche

    Dana Roueche Well-Known Member

    I just received this in an email today as part of a question from a fellow ultra runner asking about certain shoes:

    " I broke my foot running in the Hoka's; the heel -toe motion and Cushing was to spongie and as I was running up the hill -I tweaked my foot. The long run in the Hokas' is not for me...."

  10. Dana:

    I would be interested in such reports since, like any new shoe design, it will take months or years to sort out if this shoe design is truly a good one, or one to avoid. I would be interested in how the diehard "minimalist runners" view the "maximalist" Hoka.
  11. Here is a short article on the Hokas.


    I am fascinated by this large range of running shoe designs that are now hitting the market. I've never seen anything like it in my 40 years of running. Certainly all this discussion of the benefits of different running shoe designs has added a spark to my decades-long interest in running biomechanics and running shoe biomechanics. I wonder what will be next?
  12. Dana Roueche

    Dana Roueche Well-Known Member

    Kevin, in the ultra running community which consists of advocates for just about every shoe out there, the Hoka One One is a very popular shoe. What I haven't been able to sort out is whether the actual shoe merits the popularity in the ultra community or does the popularity come from the fact that a highly accomplished ultra runner, Karl Meltzer has been promoting the shoe.

    I noticed the Salt Lake City article in your subsequent post even mentions Karl who is from Salt Lake. The problem is that Karl is so good that he could win races wearing Micky Mouse slippers so who knows about the actual shoe.

    I own a pair of super soft, super cushioned shoes, Nike Vomero. At first trying them on and running shorter distances I found them to feel like I was riding on a cloud. What I learned when I ran 20, 25 or even 30 miles in them is that the softness made my feet and legs extraordinarily tired. In general, for anything over 15 miles, really soft, cushy shoes don't work for me, regardless of the surface I am on. To wear something that might be even softer or cushier would be torture for me but not everyone is going to go out and do a 30 mile run on a whim. For 5 or 6 miles, I'm sure the Hoka One One would be a very pleasant experience.

    Since Karl Meltzer is wearing Hoka One One's on 100 mile trail runs, he obviously doesn't have the same issue with very soft shoes that I have. Again it comes down to what works best for the individual.

    It truly is interesting how the shoe companies are really being creative these days.

  13. CamWhite

    CamWhite Active Member

    This makes me wonder.

    If a shoe, such as the Hoka provides exceptional cushioning, does that lull a runner into a false sense of security, and prompt them to "over-train", pushing them past a point that they would otherwise not do?
  14. efuller

    efuller MVP

    I was treating a nurse practitioner who had a metatarsal stress reaction. In other words should be aware of how these things progress. Also, she was a triathelete. I had to ask her if she was smart enough to stop running if the pain got worse. She had to stop and think about it. My theory is that the injury occurs when the patient ignores their body regardless of the shoe.

  15. :good: Eric, you're on fire tonight.

    I loved this statement:
    "Ray Mcclanahan, DPM, portland, oregon, USA

    I attended the Running Clinic and found what I was looking for. Medical professionals eager to study what the science shows regarding running injuries. The Clinic was expertly taught by Blaise Dubois and Sean Cannon, and included pertinent discussion and real world evaluation techniques, to help today sports care provider to best help their running athletes. I benefited more from this clinic than any I have attended in 18 years. Sports providers of all specialties will upgrade their ability to provide expert care, only after they have been exposed to the actual science of running prevention. You will find answers to those big questions if you attend the clinic.
    My patients are happy I did, and so am I."

    In this thread: http://www.podiatry-arena.com/podiatry-forum/showthread.php?t=68495

    If this fella has found the key to get injured runners to stop running via the the actual science of running prevention then I'm gonna be all over it.

    I went to a Nike store yesterday and they had t-shirts with the slogan "running sucks" across the chest. I procured half a dozen to wear for work.:drinks:morning::pigs:

    Here's one I always ask my runner patients: why hasn't evolution got rid of our ability to feel pain? This question usually comes straight after I've told them that they need to rest, and they then say: "but I can still do X, Y or Z" and I say: "what don't you understand about the word: "rest"?" They then say: "I get that but, but.." And then I say: "Yeah, get over it, at least I haven't told you that you've got cancer, you might want to put things into perspective, and stop poking your finger into your own eye".
  16. Running is an addiction for many and I have heard it being called a positive addiction.

    When the alcoholic stumbles and falls and breaks his wrist does the doctor ask him "Are you smart enough to stop drinking so you won't hurt yourself again?" When the cigarette smoker gets COPD does the doctor ask her "Are you smart enough to stop smoking so you won't hurt yourself again?" When the rugby player gets hit on the knee and ruptures his ACL do you ask him "Are you smart enough to stop playing rugby so you won't hurt yourself again?" I believe that better results come when the physician attempts to understand the addiction of these individuals and try to help them manage their addiction toward a more healthy lifestyle, rather than asking them "are you smart enough?"

    As far as knowing when to stop running due to pain, this is one of the most common questions that has been asked of me when I have given lectures to runners. This question is not as easy to answer as it would seem at first glance.

    When I was in my racing days, I was routinely in pain for the last half of the race. Being able to ignore and run through pain is what produced many of my best racing times and is what makes some athletes great. Many training runs were often painful also due to the oxygen debt and lactic acid accumulation that occurs with faster running speeds. Many times my ankle, or knee or quads would be so sore to not allow normal running in the first 5 minutes only to warm up by the end of an hour run so that there was no perceivable pain.

    The smart athlete knows when the pain is "bad pain" that is leading to or causing injury and also knows when the pain is transient or "good pain" simply being caused by lactic acid, or side aches, or by muscle soreness, etc. Unfortunately, becoming a smart athlete takes months to years depending on the individual. It is also problematic that many physicians simply don't have a clue as to what makes the competetive athlete do the things that they do when it comes to their training and their sport.
  17. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
  18. CamWhite

    CamWhite Active Member

    I'm at the Running Event in Austin, and just got a chance to try on the Hokas. Kevin you are dead-on about these shoes. Soft and stable. I'm not a runner but I took off for a brief run in them and felt very little stress on my body.

    I also had a great conversation with Karl Meltzer (aka "Speedgoat Karl") who ran over 2,000 miles in 40 days wearing the Hokas. I shot a video interviewing Karl and will post a link soon.

    I am always on the lookout for new technologies that can help people enjoy their lives to the fullest. Hoka One One appears to be the real deal.
  19. CamWhite

    CamWhite Active Member

    Here's an interesting video of Karl "Speedgoat" Meltzer running the Pony Express trail. 2,064 miles in 40 days. At the Running Event in Austin, he mentioned that he had to wear leg braces when he was young to straighten his legs. He told me that he really pays no attention to his running form and he's not particularly fast. What separates him is that he just has the endurance to keep on running. I enjoyed meeting him. Here's a video covering the event:

  20. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

  21. CamWhite

    CamWhite Active Member

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    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
  23. CamWhite

    CamWhite Active Member

    Just saw a news blurb that Deckers Outdoors is making an investment in Hoka One One.


    I will be at the Outdoor Retailer conference in Salt Lake City tomorrow. I definitely plan to stop by their booth.

    The team I work with will be at Outdoor Retailer launching Terox, a lifestyle shoe combining a very nice blend of arch support and cushioning. After months of R&D and testing, it's time to deliver the baby.
  24. Zac

    Zac Active Member

    I have been running in a pair of Hoka One's for 3-4 months & do like them for their lightness & cushioning. They do give you a certain amount of extra bounce. I havent got anything bad to say about them.
  25. CamWhite

    CamWhite Active Member

    I chatted with several ultra-marathoners (100 mile distance runners) and asked for their feedback about the Hokas at the Outdoor Retailer Conference this past week in Salt Lake City. They all gave the shoes very strong praise. The only negatives were that the shoes don't grip as well whilst running in snow, and one runner commented that his shoes were only good for a couple of 100 mile races, be fore he felt the need to replace them, but still really liked the feeling.
  26. pie_face

    pie_face Welcome New Poster

    Any podiatrists out there with an updated(even if it's the same as the old) view on these?

    Obviously I won't listen unless it's the answer I want to hear.....

    PS, hello by the way.
  27. Zac

    Zac Active Member

    My opinion is based on having run in a pair for the last 3-4 months. I'm fairly big 110kg/6ft+ & run approximately 15-20km/wk. I have found them to be very comfortable.
  28. pie_face

    pie_face Welcome New Poster

    Both runners but different. 80-100km/wk 100% off road(not inc cycling) 6ft and 72kg. There performance as far as how they feel to run in is probably for another forum.

    Really after a Podiatry opinion!?
  29. Zac

    Zac Active Member

    I'm a Podiatrist & I'm personally very happy with them. Would I recommend them? Yes, but I don't really know who would benefit from them. I purchased a pair purely to "give them a go" and not for any medical need. I do like the light weight feel. I do like the cushioned feeling.
  30. pie_face

    pie_face Welcome New Poster

    Thanks for the response Zac, it's hard to get an opinion on these things that isn't from a runner (or a sponsored Hoka athlete).

    I have zero useful understanding of the mechanics of both those shoes and my feet, and realistically the few people I have spoken to about them have a similar level of understanding.

    Anyway, I'll get back to lurking. Having read a few other 'shoe' based threads you seem to have plenty enough ill informed runners posting on here to keep you busy.
  31. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Moderator

    There is nothing wrong with maximalist running shoes (ie the Hoka One One's)
    There is nothing wrong with minimalist running shoes

    It all comes down to two things:
    1. What feeling you prefer to have under your foot
    2. What injury history you have (maximalist vs minimalist encourage different gaits that load tissues different --> all depends which tissues that you need to load less)

    Everything else at this stage is just rhetoric and propaganda.

    I run 2-3 days a week in Hoka Ones and 2-3 days a week in NB Minimus's and 2-3 days a week in various "traditional" running shoes ( and wear my MBTs to work 2 days a week!)
  32. pie_face

    pie_face Welcome New Poster

    Thanks for that response Craig, appreciated
  33. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Moderator

    Which ones should I run in today:

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  34. Ian Linane

    Ian Linane Well-Known Member

    Now I know why you get so much done Craig. According to you above post you have the advantage of an 11 day week!! ;)
  35. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Moderator

    I just weighed them:
    Hoka One One = 311gms (only one shoe, not the pair)
    New Balance Minimus = 214gms (only one shoe, not the pair)

    ...only a 100gms difference (200gms for a pair) .... not a huge amount!
  36. Zac

    Zac Active Member

    I have worn a pair for the last 6 months or so & have been happy with the "feel" but they have worn quicker than previous running shoes. I think due to their thickness, they are now feeling a bit unstable.
  37. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Moderator

    That doesn't matter! ;) ... rather than call them a running shoe, now call them a toning shoe and all is fine! ... enjoy the extra workout that they give you! :santa:
  38. Zac

    Zac Active Member

    Hmmm, I think they have contributed to my lateral hip pain. So is the toning still to come? If I survive the hip pain, I can look forward to shapelier hips?
  39. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Moderator

    Just be patient ... those butts will start toning with all the gluteal activation ... and all that cellulite will be gone!
  40. Zac

    Zac Active Member

    Hey stop looking at my cheeks ;)

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