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Met Adductus in Adults

Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by clhanna, Feb 16, 2005.

  1. clhanna

    clhanna Member

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    Hi there everyone,

    I was just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on how to treat Met Adductus in people say above the age of 20. Orthoses, strapping, mobilisation/manipulation, surgery ......?

  2. Why would one want to even treat metatarsus adductus, unless it was causing symptoms or pathology? Metatarsus adductus can be quite beneficial mechanically for the foot since it improves the pronation-resisting nature of the foot and is actually present to some degree in most normally functioning feet. At what level of deformity do you propose treating metatarsus adductus if they are asymptomatic otherwise?
  3. clhanna

    clhanna Member

    Sorry Kevin,
    I should have given a better description of the symptoms that i have been presented with.

    Pt complaining of pain associated with overloading the lateral rays during gait. There is also associated rearfoot varus and the x-rays showed a supinated rearfoot complex (talar declination angle, calc inc angle), so there is quite a cavous presentation. The pt has a very broad forefoot that we have fitted into some extra depth and width footwear. I'm wondering if there are any suggestions regarding style of orthotic device, the use of mobilisation/manipulation, strapping, comments on surgery for this condition.......?

  4. clhanna

    clhanna Member

    Kevin, I'm just going to pick your brain for a bit here, hope that is ok!

    Regarding met adductus, what is your approach to treating asymptomatic children with this condition?

    If anyone else has any thoughts feel free :D

  5. I don't treat asymptomatic children with metatarsus adductus unless the child is quite young (less than 8 months old) and the deformity is quite significant. I do serial casting for those children.
  6. Try an orthosis with a lateral heel skive and forefoot valgus correction and extra medial arch fill in the positive cast (to lower medial arch height of orthosis). The metatarsus adductus increases the subtalar joint supination moment since the metatarsal heads are all structurally positioned more medial relative to the STJ axis than would be present in a metatarsus rectus foot (Kirby KA: Subtalar joint axis location and rotational equilibrium theory of foot function. JAPMA, 91:465-488, 2001). The overloading of the lateral metatarsal rays is a reflection of the increased magnitudes of STJ supination moments. I wouldn't also be surprised if the peroneus brevis and/or longus are also tonically active during relaxed bipedal stance.
  7. clhanna

    clhanna Member

    Thanks Kevin,
    that was basically my exact prescription and you were spot on about PL and PB.


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