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Pod Scholar

Discussion in 'New Zealand' started by happybanana, Feb 23, 2016.

  1. happybanana

    happybanana Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.

    Does anyone have any experience or feedback regarding Pod Scholar? It looks like quite a comprehensive CPD and resource site.


    I'd appreciate any reviews, thank you in advance
  2. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Moderator

    Might be hard to get a response as they only just started business late last yr (I think), so not many used them at this stage.
  3. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Moderator

    Can't say that I am very impressed with them at the moment. Probably a bit p...d off with them.
    I got invited to participate in a webinar and agreed. Put the date and time in my diary and kept it free (it was my daughters birthday).
    Never heard back. Never was told where or how to log in etc. Fail.
    If they changed their mind and did not want my involvement they could have at least let me know so I could have done something for the daughters birthday.
    Very unprofessional of them when they expect busy people to volunteer up their time.
  4. blinda

    blinda MVP

    Indeed. Had a shifty at their website, which is confusing. Is it for pods or physios? This is from the "about us" page;

    "About PodScholar and the PodScholar Team

    PhysioScholar is designed by physiotherapists for physiotherapists.... Our staff are experts in research and learning in physiotherapy, join us on the journey of ongoing learning...."
  5. blinda

    blinda MVP

    Indeed. Had a shifty at their website, which is confusing. Is it for pods or physios? This is from the "about us" page;

    "About PodScholar and the PodScholar Team

    PhysioScholar is designed by physiotherapists for physiotherapists.... Our staff are experts in research and learning in physiotherapy, join us on the journey of ongoing learning...."

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