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Podiatry, can I do it?

Discussion in 'USA' started by SalC, Aug 22, 2009.

  1. SalC

    SalC Welcome New Poster

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    I am currently in undergrad working on the Podiatry prereqs and completing my degree. I have always thought about becoming a Podiatrist, even at a very young age. I have a very minor physical disability. I walk with a small limp and wear leg braces. I use no other walking aides and live a pretty normal life. I have a driver's license and have never had my disability interfere with anything I've wanted to do in life. I had many surgeries when I was young and I consider myself extremely lucky to be where I am.

    I only have one concern about becoming a Podiatrist and the concern is performing surgery. I have full control of my hands so that's not the problem; however, standing while performing an operation maybe more difficult, especially if it is a long operation.

    Let me just say, I've known a Podiatrist since I was very young and I see him on occasion. When I was in high school I mentioned to him that I may be interested in going to Podiatry school after undergrad. He has only encouraged me and he has never brought up my physical disability hindering me from becoming a Podiatrist.

    My main question is, Is it common for a podiatrist to sit while performing surgery? Is it allowed? Do you think I will run into problems if I must sit while performing an operation? I am in The USA.

    I appreciate any responses.
  2. wannabedoctor87

    wannabedoctor87 Welcome New Poster

    Don't let ur disability prevent u from going into ur career. U should have no problem. I have shadowed pods who sit the entire surgery, but it depends on the type of surgery. I also know how u feel because I have a physical disability also that causes me to have minor back pain after standing for a good while, which can cause me to have to sit. U will be the doctor and u can call the shots. U wanna sit, u can sit. A good thing about being a podiatrist is that when it comes to doing the surgery u are working only on the foot/ankle region, and can cover the most of the region while sitting down. Just think of yourself sitting there on your stool, removing some bone from a diabetic foot with ur saw :butcher:
  3. carolethecatlover

    carolethecatlover Active Member

    I think you could make a good living out of that minor disability. Think how many people will think you knew everything about custom foot and ankle braces, you might become an expert on making them. I would have a lot of confidence in a Pod with a brace, particularly if I was a kid, why not go to the hospital where yours was fitted and ask for a day's observation. Learn to like kids, if you don't!
    This is a job with many branches. Carole in Australia

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