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We're looking for our next star podiatrist in Kenilworth, Warwickshire

Discussion in 'Employment in the United Kingdom' started by KateH, Dec 9, 2022.

  1. KateH

    KateH Welcome New Poster

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    Job description
    Are you looking for the chance to shine?
    Benefits of working with us:

    - You get to apply new ways of dealing with common problems - we have a holistic approach to dealing with MSK problems.
    - You get a structured 1-100 induction programme to see you through your first 3 months with us, with ongoing weekly team meetings and CPD thereafter.
    - You get to use latest technology - e.g. Swift, K Laser, Footscan / Phits.
    - You get excellent work conditions - we accommodate our practitioners' preferred work flow, wherever possible.
    - You are encouraged and supported to pursue your dream career goals.
    This is an exciting opportunity for the right Podiatrist to join our team and be part of the action.
    The role:
    is a permanent, employed position of 22.5-37.5 hours per week. Our diary offers flexibility of hours and days to suit.
    Salary from £32,000 pro rata, depending on experience, with a quarterly bonus scheme achieved by meeting KPI targets.
    28 days holiday, PLUS a bonus birthday day off, PLUS up to 4 days paid leave for CPD per year.
    - You love people and enjoy adding value to their lives.
    - You have a keen interest in MSK conditions (if you have the interest, we can provide the support to make you an expert, if you're not there just yet).
    - You are confident, driven and motivated.
    - You have experience in all aspects of podiatry, and a thirst for learning and growth.
    - You enjoy being part of a small team and making a big impact.
    - A degree in Podiatry.
    - HCPC registration.
    About us:
    • We are a small but fast-growing Podiatry practice in Kenilworth, Warwickshire.
    • We have a first class reputation within our community.
    • We pride ourselves on providing amazing client experiences.
    • We are a partner clinic of the Foot Medic™️ Podiatry Group which means we have access to a whole host of expertise and resources.
    Kenilworth Footcare is looking for a confident Podiatrist with great people skills to join our expanding team.

    Job Types: Part or Full time, Permanent, 22.5-37.5 hours per week
    Salary: from £32,000.00 /year, pro rata, depending on experience

    • clinical: 1 year (preferred, but not essential)
    • an interest in nail surgery (further training can be provided)
    • an interest in treating MSK conditions (further training can be provided)

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