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Which of you members are FHPs?

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by footsiegirl, Aug 20, 2010.

  1. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

    I can give you a categoric "no" on that, as there are so many " footcare" courses being sold without a national standard that Joe Public is pretty confused as to what a FHP does.
    Bear in mind that as a nurse you will have built up a pretty big skill bank that will be of little use to you as an FHP. While it may well help you with the theory part of the course you will be practicing as an FHP not a nurse and should avoid giving advice based on your nursing experience as you will not be insured to do so. It may help you to understand what you can and can't treat, and what you should refer on but you may find the narrow role of an FHP frustrating.

    I'd also check out the hidden costs of starting a business and what it involves.

    You won't be able to say if your course was "thorough" or not until you get out into the field and are working as a stand-alone practitioner.
    If you haven't built up a support network to help you, you might find it a very lonely place. It is also, essential that you develop effective referral and care pathways in order to respond correctly to any conditions that you are not trained to deal with.
    You will also need to develop relationships with pods in your area who will be able to accept referrals from you.

  2. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Why then Si does Admin insist on closing threads when anyone trained by the previously unregulated sector stands up and fights the insults degrading comments and slurs on character ??

    You know it happened yet again on the smae thread , you were involved so was I and the usual intimidation by the few was started to prevent any opinion but their own being shown by getting the thread closed, and NO I wont lie down and be insulted , and have bare faced lies and accusations or totally inaccurate assumptions made about me or my practice without retaliating

    I did email Admin and ask for that thread to be re-opened.....you see the result:hammer:

    Its no wonder the FHP's wont post !! Many have just started out in practice and look to the regulated for guidance.

    They would really get it on here wouldn't they :bang:??

    Footsie girl appears to me to be clued up and I assume that's why she is asking in the way she has.

    You Like me Si don't give a s**t and I have had many years fighting my corner from those in the cesspit, so the inane comment and insult bounces off :D.


    Perhaps the more sensitive amongst us do not want to come here and be insulted ,bullied or generally slagged off by these arseholes??

  3. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member


    You said

    Now why would they want to do that?:confused:

    They have done their chosen courses and are "qualified" and are sent out into the world of business as stand-alone practitioners and supposedly given all the skills they need - according to the Private Trainers that they have signed-up with.

    So why would they want to look to us for "guidance"??

    Don't follow the logic here?

    Curious Cat

    PS If you can respond with a reasoned arguement wihtout resorting to bad language and expletives it would be much appreciated.
  4. footsiegirl

    footsiegirl Active Member

    Quote from Catfoot to DTT - PS If you can respond with a reasoned arguement wihtout resorting to bad language and expletives it would be much appreciated.

    Yes, but not on this thread Pleaseeeeeeeee CF? I'm tryingggggggg to keep this thread on track!
  5. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    And you are so superior that you never did when you started out alone ??

    Perhaps you never have ? preferring perhaps the protection of bad practice afforded by the NHS ??

    I don't suppose you do Catfoot because the modern world I feel is passing you bye because of your blinkered antiquated outlook on the "Now" Footcare industry perhaps?

    Oh so delicate and precious :rolleyes: I dont think its a good idea for you to have a discussion with me??

    I tend to say what I mean and on your past postings ( behind your cowardly shield of anonymity) you may get a touch of the vapours if it all gets too much for you.

    I really would not want that to happen:eek:

    Save your posts for your like in the cesspit Catfoot ,they will all agree with your rude arrogant attitude I'm sure.

    Should I be on commission for boosting the viewing figures there??:D:D

    I frankly wouldn't wipe my shoes on the likes of you and yours never mind having a discussion with you.


    Cummon CM

    Where's your apology ????

    Perhaps Catfoot you can find out on your next visit to the cesspit ??

    Then I may be more responsive to your requests

  6. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    OK, For you I'll bow out.

    I'll leave it to you:deadhorse:

    You'll learn :eek:

    Good Luck
  7. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

    When DDT engages in a thread you can almost guarantee that it's days will be numbered. Sad but true - if you stick around here you'll see what I mean.

    I wait with the vain hope that DDT will respond logically and expand on his statement, viz :-

    Cool Cat
  8. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

    At last I have found your reply, it seems we all posted together.

    You said,

    I will respond to your points as best I can.

    When I qualified (a long time ago, after 3 years F/T training including 1,600 hours of hands-on clinical experience at all levels), I was not "alone" . I joined the SCP and had the advantage of their monthly branch meetings, mentoring and support from more experienced Members. In life you get what you pay for.

    I can only repeat the unanswered question from your statement :-

    Why would that be so?

    And why is it the responsiblility - in your opinion - for the Regulated sector to make up the deficiences in the unregulated sector?

    You pays yer money and yer takes yer choice.

    If people are seduced by the rhetoric of the private trainers and embark on a fast-track pseudo-chiropody course that will never lead to them being regulated by Statute and sees them stuck on the bottom rung of the footcare ladder, with no career prospects, all I can say is "Caveat Emptor".

    Cynical Catfoot
  9. footsiegirl

    footsiegirl Active Member

    Thanks to Catfoot, for enlightening us all AGAIN...but please can we keep the thread clear ...
  10. blinda

    blinda MVP


    I`m curious, have you had many PM`s from FHP`s?

  11. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member


    Clear for what??:confused:

    Curious Cat
  12. footsiegirl

    footsiegirl Active Member

    Not clear for anything CF....

    ...clear of mud slinging
  13. Ian Linane

    Ian Linane Well-Known Member

    Many years ago at my local the regular folk group would sing about the power of old nuci brown. As my singing voice is somewhat scary I just had to suffer and drink it instead ;)

    Like Bel I started as a non-state trained pod. Have to agree with Simon though, keep us in the picture, the ambiguity actually detrimental to your posts.
  14. footsiegirl

    footsiegirl Active Member

    I am merely trying to ascertain how many FHPs there are on the site,
    If there are others, why do they not post?
    Is this site for them or more specifically just Pods?

    Early signs are that there are not many...or else they are in hiding!

    However, the ones I have spoken with would like to contribute to debate, so how to do that remains a mystery, but one I would like to help solve...
  15. vanessaellis

    vanessaellis Welcome New Poster

    You won't be able to say if your course was "thorough" or not until you get out into the field and are working as a stand-alone practitioner.
    If you haven't built up a support network to help you, you might find it a very lonely place. It is also, essential that you develop effective referral and care pathways in order to respond correctly to any conditions that you are not trained to deal with.
    You will also need to develop relationships with pods in your area who will be able to accept referrals from you.


    Hello Catfoot - thanks for the advise - i was already planning to meet with the two pods in my area with a hope that i can call on them to refer patients and visa versa. - its definitely vital to get a good relationship forged.
    I realize when i wrote my earlier thread that saying the course was 'thorough' was too early to speculate! hoping to give that sentence a spin again in a month or so! - watch this space!!
    Ness :)
  16. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member


    You'll have to ask the owners that, but the site is called Podiatry Arena.

    And I'm not mud-slinging, I was trying get DDT to expand on his idea that the regulated sector should somehow be responsible for bringing the unregulated sector forward.

    This is a site that has a special section just for FHPs but it seemed that very few wanted to use it.


    I would suspect they could be posting on the dedicated SMAE forum, which I am told is very good.

    Vanessa, why do you think a pod would refer work to you? If you check out the thread about "employing an assistant" you'll see there are some very compelling issues of professional accountability that would make this inadviseable. It isn't a two-way street. Did they not give you this information when you trained?

    Last edited: Aug 22, 2010
  17. vanessaellis

    vanessaellis Welcome New Poster

    Gosh, i didn’t realize that there was so much "us" (fhp's)and "them" (pods) - but am quickly learning!. - maybe im just being naive but i currently work in an industry which works on building relationships with others and referring is a big part of that. - having a network is vital.
    Its funny really because i currently work as a chief accountant and have gotten to the position im in through study and hard work - there are many out there who call themselves accountants because they work in the same field, but are not actually qualified accountants, but qualified by experience - i don’t think i have ever made such a big distinction about their work compared to mine - but look on us all as having the same goals.
    No - it was never explained to me that a pod would not be able to refer- if they saw fit - to pass work to a FHP.? - infact through the people i have so far spoken to on this site and through Stonebridge i know of many instances where pods are referring work to fhp's.
  18. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the real world!

    I think you'll find that working in healthcare is very different to what you have experienced because it is an area that is very prone to litigation.
    Hence practitioners need to be very careful, with referrals, as I explained in the thread on "Employing an assistant". This is why my own professional organisation, the SCP, runs indepth seminars with a top barrister on Record Keeping, Clinical Responsibility, Confidentiality etc. After attending these events most of us really tightened up on our documentation.

    I myself refer regularly to a Pod Surgeon and an MSK Podiatrist. This isn't because I expect work to come back, but because it is in the best interest of the patient, which should be our prime concern.
    In addition, in the event of litigation a healthcare practitioner needs to show that they acted in the best interest of the patient.

    You may well have heard of instances where a pod refers to an FHP but are you sure these are not just anecdotal ? No Pod I know in the county I work in refers to an FHP.
    I personally cannot see an advantage to it. As a Pod can do everything an FHP can do and more, why would they give work away? Apart from the legal implications it doesn't make good business sense. :confused: The myth that "pods don't want to cut toenails" is nonsense. Many Pods I know have a dedicated nailcutting service.

  19. footsiegirl

    footsiegirl Active Member

    I was unaware that there was a dedicated forum here for FHPs- and I would imagine that if i am unaware then perhaps others are too? I will explore it.

    As for this being called Podiatry Arena, of course this is true, however, I have been told to "keep posting"- so, I rather think I will!

    The Arena does actually stae that it isnt purely for Pods...
  20. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

    Maybe my posting was a bit ambiguous, for which I apologise. The FHP forum isn't here, it's at


    there's also a forum for FHPs on the SMAE Institute site, but you have to be a member to access it.

  21. footsiegirl

    footsiegirl Active Member

    Thanks CF

    No wonder I cannot find any such forum on here then! I will abandon the search..

    However, as I stated in my earlier post, it has been suggested to me that I "keep posting" and in the absence of anywhere else (of any calibre), I will do just that...

    Which brings me to the point that FHPs should look to Pods for guidance and education...as you look to each other - respecting differences in experience, knowledge and skills. I seek to improve my knowledge and skills in a way which I do not feel I can do with SMAE (even if I were a member) and feel that I best do so in an environment such as this...consider it a compliment CF! :D
  22. I think the fact that you wish to learn and educate here is more than enough.
  23. footsiegirl

    footsiegirl Active Member

    Thanks for that Simon...

    I havent had many responses as yet...I may not get any more...however, the few I have received have asked me for advice (Laughing at this point) on starting out as an FHP...

    Rather than respond via personal messages, I felt it might be appropriate to start another thread under "Education". I want to cover the legal issues first, and welcome contributions from anyone ...
  24. It maybe called Podiatry Arena - but it´s for all medical people intersted in foot and foot related issues - So FHP, Pods, Physio´s, Chiro´s, Osteo´s, ortho´s etc etc .

    So Footsiegirl go for it, the more the merry I say.

    here is the official info from the Arena wedsite.

  25. fronny

    fronny Active Member

    Hey Footsie,

    I'm smae trained but grandparented so I can see where you're coming from. However the fact that you're here, reading and asking questions says it all. Take advantage of all the good CPD there is out there. I personally believe that the more you keep learning, the better the big picture fits together. Smae forum is friendly but its more questions than answers for me- this ones the real McCoy.

    You're smart so ditch the chip on your shoulder and learn what and where you can.
  26. footsiegirl

    footsiegirl Active Member

    That is where the computer forum can be rather one dimensional - I dont have a chip...but i have been hit by a few flying ones! Any way, thanks for your input...
  27. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

    IMO what FHPs need to learn is when to refer on.

    Despite all the information given out by my local Podiatry Practitioners Group to all FHPs in the area (all those we could find addresses for - there are some that keep below the parapet and operate off mobile 'phones ) there has not been one single referral to any of us in 5 years.

    (The exception to this is when an FHP stops trading and may send some patients our way, lately this has been a common occurrence)

    However, we still all get a steady stream of hatchet jobs from certain practitioners whose patients have found their way to us by a circuitous route. Some FHPs are obviously way out of their depth and the disgruntled clients have no recourse, because FHPs are not regulated by an external body. Despite complaints to the Training schools concerned these FHPs are still operating (at the moment).

    None of this is really surprising when most FHPs only have 14 days practical training at the most.

    I am surprised that you have had people asking you for advice as to how to set up as an FHP, :D as I thought that this was covered in the training?

  28. footsiegirl

    footsiegirl Active Member

    Well done CF...drag every discussion into a pile of cr&p . You know as well as I do, that when FHPs finish their training, they are stilll left somewhat in the dark regarding some clinical & legal issues. Some of them, may act outside their role, but how about trying to inform them rather than intimidate and rebuke them...that is the best way to bring change. With regard to being asked for advice...this has been more generic - relating to self employment and so on. I have decided to start with legal stuff first.

    Any way, CF...I look forward to you advancing my knowledge base on this forum and would rather have that kind of discourse with you, than this...
  29. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately it's not cÂŁ@&, it's the truth and the situation is the same over most of the UK judging by what I hear from my colleagues.

    FHPs are sent out trained as stand-alone practitioners (according to all the adverts) and if they aren't up the the grade, I don't feel it's up to the Regulated sector to fill in the gaps.

    As for generic info, there is a world of information and courses out there in the big wide world for anyone to access if they have any initiative. After all, being in business is all about being entreprenarial isn't it? If FHPs haven't the nowse the look for it for themselves then I can't see how they will be able to seek out business initiatives, work out marketing strategies and develop and monitor business plans etc etc etc.
    Private practice is a business, not a hobby. Unfortunately too many FHPs treat it as pin money and something to do in between dropping the kids off at school and picking them up 3.30.pm.

    It's not only DDT that can go off on one. :bang:

    As far advancing your knowledge base, I wouldn't know where to start, as I don't know what you don't know. I'm smart, but I'm not clairvoyant.:rolleyes:

    Cat Fight.
  30. footsiegirl

    footsiegirl Active Member

    CF you have misunderstood me - I didnt mean that you were talking cr&p, I meant that the threads dissolve into slanging match, which is not useful in debate, and the original purpose of the discussion is lost. I agree, you have an axe to grind. Lets inform and debate, but please dont use me as a vehicle to mud sling. I am trying to be objective.

    As for advancing my knowledge base, I will be posting any queries on the forum...naturally I am still finding my feet here (!) and looking through old threads and links.
  31. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

    OK Footsie,

    I have a constructive suggestion.

    There are a great many sucessful pods who post on this site. Why not contact some of them and see if you can spend a day at their surgery/ies and see how they operate in all facets of their business(es)?

    DTT has said that he is all in favour of helping the unregulated sector, so you could start with him. I am not too sure how far he is away from you as my geography below Birmingham is poor.

    Then you will have the knowledge first hand.

  32. footsiegirl

    footsiegirl Active Member

    I have seriously considered this but dont think , judging by your responses, that I am likely to find anyone to shadow!

    I presume you are still north of Birmingham- Manchester is it?
  33. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

    My responses are irrelevent as you're not asking me and DTT has already indicated his willingness to help.

    No, not Manchester any more but certainly well North of Brum !

  34. footsiegirl

    footsiegirl Active Member

    lets see....Formby, Crosby, Ainsdale, Southport....
  35. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member



  36. footsiegirl

    footsiegirl Active Member

    A lovely part of the world...if my memory serves me right...Southport = the Bournemouth of the Northwest
  37. footsiegirl

    footsiegirl Active Member

    ...looks like my new thread in Education hase been deleted or moved?
  38. moraigh

    moraigh Welcome New Poster

    Hi, I am an FHP, qualified this year and so it is a real learning curve for me but loving it.
  39. footsiegirl

    footsiegirl Active Member

    Hello Moraigh and welcome to the Pod Arena...
  40. cornmerchant

    cornmerchant Well-Known Member

    Dtt and Footsie girl

    Well, I am back from lands afar, only to find Del , that you still are harping on about an apology. Therefore, with sincerity, I apologise for being away and not being able to post. ( anything else you want an apology for- well you can kiss my b**t) .

    Footsie girl
    The main reason that FHPs do not post on this site is that they do not have the knowledge or the confidence. They do a fraction of the training that Pods undertake so how could you realistically expect them to take part in something out of their depth? For an intelligent person you seem to be missing the point.


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