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graduate Job wanted

Discussion in 'Employment in Australia' started by Joangirl, May 10, 2023.

  1. Joangirl

    Joangirl Welcome New Poster

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    I’m a third year BSc podiatry student in the UK, in the last few weeks of my course, I will be looking for a job with mentorship in a coastal area.
    Does anyone know of any clinics with recruitment for graduates? And any info or help on Visas is appreciated and especially advice from anyone who has emigrated already.

    Many thanks
  2. Nicole Witcombe

    Nicole Witcombe Welcome New Poster

    Hi Joan,

    we have a few podiatry positions available at our Natural Fit stores on the coast of NSW and QLD if you are interested - mentors and admin available too :)
    Feel free to contact me at My Foot Dr Bathurst and I'd be happy to get you in contact with those clinics.
    Contact details can be seen on our website
    Hope to hear from you soon


  3. Donna Wright

    Donna Wright Welcome New Poster


    We are looking for Graduate Podiatrists in Most states of Australia, Please see attached job ad


    Attached Files:

  4. Lhaupt

    Lhaupt Welcome New Poster

    Hi Joan
    Are you still looking for sponsorship? We are happy to discuss. A very busy practise in south east Melbourne Vic Australia
    Please get in contact if you are
    Thanks Lauren Haupt
    Beaconsfield Podiatry


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