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Move over flip flops: Crocs

Discussion in 'Podiatry Trivia' started by Cameron, Jan 22, 2006.

  1. Cameron

    Cameron Well-Known Member

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    This season may have been bohemian and classic chav with niche bling. So uggs, foot jewellery with thongs have all had their role to play but the latest fashion statment to be seen down under is the Crocs TM. Best described as plastic othopaedic clogs with side vents. The shoes come in primary colours and seem to meet the approval of fashionista and foot police alike. I must get a pair.

    To be honest I have been a cloggie for many years and wore them in the 70s (cheery red) with my white cotton suit (like Lennon) and hair long. These days are sadly gone as is the hair and lamentably Lennon too, but I still wear my clogs, now black of course, more suiting to my age. Still cannot wait to buy my new Crocs TM. I think I will get them in lime green

    What say you?

  2. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Moderator


    Having now been at 2 conferences where they are giving them away for promotional puposes .... they are comfortable.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2006
  3. One Foot In The Grave

    One Foot In The Grave Active Member

    So that's what they're called....I had a client in last week who was wearing some orange ones!

    I'll take any free-pairs you don't want!!
  4. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.


    NBC10 are reporting:
    Crocs Footwear Eating Up Competition
    Reviews On Colorful Shoes Mixed
  5. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.


    The Eagle Tribune are reporting:
    Crocs: Consumers are eating them up
    Full story
  6. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.


    Rocky Mountain News are reporting:
    Retailers feel pinch from Crocs' fame
    Glitches in getting shoes causing problems for sellers

  7. Tuckersm

    Tuckersm Well-Known Member

  8. Cameron

    Cameron Well-Known Member


    Bought two pairs of Crocs in Singapore and they are delightful to wear. I should have got tyhe green (and worn them with my golden socks , but chickened out when the wife said, NO!.

    Yours in blue and black

  9. gangrene

    gangrene Member

    Hey Cameron,
    Indeed, the crocs are taking over singapore's feet gradually. Seems like it is the most current trend at the moment to be in a pair of those.
    I think green reminds me some kind of enviromental colour. Maybe should convince your wife that it's not a bad match with a pair of brown checked pants or greyish blue trousers.
  10. One Foot In The Grave

    One Foot In The Grave Active Member

    Must try some on one day...

    They must be incredibly comfortable...no-one would choose to wear them for aesthetic reasons!
  11. pd6crai

    pd6crai Active Member

    I too have 2 quality pairs of crocs, in blue and black, and they are the best thing since sliced bread. In Freemantle markets they are selling them as 'frogs', slightly cheaper and as far as I can see they are the exact same shoe with a frog on the side instead of a frog.

    They really are quality footwear!!!!!!!
  12. cazfoot

    cazfoot Member

    These are all the rage to wear in surgery as they are comnfortable and can be " Sterilised " , not sure how though ????
  13. springyfeet

    springyfeet Active Member


    My wife has purchased three pairs of crocs and loves them, says they are very comfortable and helps with her walking, balance and her feet and legs do not get so tired. Anyone else have any experience or feedback about these types of 'shoes' ?.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2006
  14. Cameron

    Cameron Well-Known Member


    Crocs have brought out a range of Mary Janes. More slimline than the their clogs and available in a range of colour. The uppers are closed in so not sure if this would increase hydration of the skin (?). However they are lightweight and seem as enduring as the Crocs, so may offer some clients and alternative shoe at a reasonable price.

    What say you?

  15. User7

    User7 Active Member

    My wife had foot pain for the first time in her life after wearing Crocs

    My wife wore her crocs every day for about a month and experienced the first foot pain of her life. She developed pain in the balls of both feet which subsided almost immediately after she stopped wearing them.

    I also find Crocs uncomfortable (once my feet get over the idiot grin phase following first putting them on). Aside from the oblique toe box and flexibility I'm not sure what virtues people are finding in them.

    It seems to me that something strange happens in the forefoot following heel lift with these shoes. I feel as though the met. heads drive down into into the soft surface while the bases of the proximal phalanges are pulled upwards in relation to them. I suspect, in my wife's case, they provoked a pre-pre-dislocation sydrome situation.
  16. Al Kline DPM

    Al Kline DPM Banned

    Croc o' shiite

    We have a saying here in the US about crocs:

    Croc o' shiite! lol I haven't tried them , but I'm sure they will be theraputic for some and not so good for others. I remember similar hype about 'earth shoes' , Birkenstock sandles, etc. etc.
  17. Diana954

    Diana954 Banned

    I agree. I haven't wanted to try them b/c I really dont like the way they look, but everyone is so into them now I feel like I should at least TRY them.
  18. Cameron

    Cameron Well-Known Member

    They look awful but are most comfortable. The company have brought out a newrange of Mary Janes which is a more orthodox style

  19. pd6crai

    pd6crai Active Member

    I have 3 pairs of traditional crocs in various colours and find them soooooo comfortable, but a little clumsey. I was in Melbourne at the weekend and bought a pair of black mary-janes. Which look FAB, however, they gave me lateral ankle pain. Pain that the traditional crocs didn't give me. Not entirely sure why, but I have now had great and not so great experiences with my crocs!
  20. bigtoe

    bigtoe Active Member

    was in boston last month, they were selling them for $10 outside the cheers cafe.
  21. springyfeet

    springyfeet Active Member


    Has anyone experience of the new shoes/sandals from USA called crocs, made from a sort of synthetic rubber which gives the wearer a bounce
    when walking. I have been advised that they are very comfortable and provide support along the medial arch as well as being fashionable !, they come in several colours and do boots now for winter I presume.
    Would anyone recomend them or know more about them ?.
  22. milo2145

    milo2145 Member


    I LOVE my crocs, i wear them every single day, even in the rain!
    i prefer the "nile" type of sandal because they fit me perfectly, the clog type tends to run slightly small, i take a 7 but i would need an 8 in the clog.
    when i take them off i just want to put them straight back on again.
    they dont really have an arch support as such but do seem to put your feet in the correct position as i tend to pronate.
    they look a bit wierd and i always get comments when i wear them, but there are so many different colours that you can tailor them to your outfit.
    they are springy and bouncy and fabulous!
  23. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    <Threads merged>
  24. jollyjoh

    jollyjoh Member

    I recently tried a pair on at a conference.....and can't understand the hype! I have a narrow foot, and they are so wide that I struggled to keep them on. surely they are just another version of slip on's? Or did I miss the adjustable fastening to keep them on my foot?? My concern is that I would end up with 'senile shuffle' and sub ungual bruising from trying to hold on to them!
    I for one will not be investing in a pair, and watch with interest as this thread unfolds!
  25. R.E.G

    R.E.G Active Member


    With the dollar at a long time low, and a forced visit to the States, I cannot wait to try their wellies and other styles not common in the UK.

    I love my crocs, I have a very wide cavoid foot.

    My philosophy on footwear advice when rarely a patient enquires about a 'good shoe' is 'whatever fits you' (OK sometimes it's abit more technical). Not very helpful but true?

    By wearing my crocs I have had one 60+ patient wear them at work and 'cure' all her 'problems'.

    Jolyjon have you tried their 'mary janes'?

    Sorry my daughter is marrying an American and I need to learn the language. :confused:

  26. LuckyLisfranc

    LuckyLisfranc Well-Known Member


    I had a patient (large man) who had bilateral tendo Achilles lengthenings.

    After a few months he started wearing crocs, and this flared up the surgical sites and caused considerable oedema and pain in the TA.

    As soon as I saw him stand in these shoes I noticed the entire heel had compressed almost to the floor, such that his forefoot was dorsiflexed relative to the heel (ie negative heel). Consequently - almost made a mess of his surgery.

    Keep an eye out for this with larger, heavier people who will squash down these cheap materials in a flash.

  27. jollyjoh

    jollyjoh Member

    I haven't tried the 'Mary Janes'........haven't seen them yet. I suppose one of my other gripes with them is that whilst I don't object to spending the earth on a pair of italian or brazilian well made leather beauties, it irks me to pay such a lot for a pair of shoes that are plastic...................maybe if they were pink with sparkles!
    And it's jollyjoh......I'm a lady.....(and not in the 'little britain' sense!)
  28. George Brandy

    George Brandy Active Member


    I don't even think pink and sparkly would do it for me.

    Have had many recommendations from colleagues regarding crocs but they take me straight back to the nightmare of going to primary school in the late 60's early 70's with those ghastly red plastic sandals combined with NHS prescription glasses (the ones with pink, blue or clear plastic frames) and early style dental bracing. How ugly did we look?

    Crocs make the hair stand up on the back of my neck as a childhood flash back and even now I still thank the Lord my mum took me to the local shoe shop as a nipper, having me fitted with Clarkes's sensible best.

    Like you crocs will not be going near my feet....purely on grounds of style or a complete lack of it.

  29. R.E.G

    R.E.G Active Member



    Thanks for the warning, I am by no means a light weight but do not see any signs of squashing down these heels. However now you have mentioned it I do notice a very soft heel strike.

    jollyjoh- my sincere apologies, a combination of aging eyes and severe dyslexia.

    George, sounds like you were a young cross dresser, unless of course it's the female George and like jollyjoh, you are a 'lady'? :confused:

    I admit the crocs do get noticed in surgery, but usually to comments of they look comfortable. I used to wear hand made 'Pasty' shoes but the company went bust.

    Should we not be leading by example, I often advise Hotter but they cripple me. At a recent NHS training day I was amazed at the selection of shoes being worn by the female Pods :eek:

    Why cannot life be simple for us poor men.

    It's nearly Xmas

  30. George Brandy

    George Brandy Active Member

    Clearly, Bob, you are not a child of the 70's or else you would have known the ghastly red sandals and NHS glasses, rather like crocs, were intended for unisex wear.

  31. R.E.G

    R.E.G Active Member


    Do you really want to go here?

    You are absolutely right, I am a child of the 50's, (a youth of the 60's, and we all know if you remember the 60's you were not there).

    The 50's, free school milk and prescription orange juice, black bullet peas in free school dinners, I will not go on. I was lucky I could afford sandwiches. Hobnail boots passed down from Uncle to nephew was the norm (if you were lucky enough to have an 'Uncle'.

    I escaped the chimneys and mines, because I achieved a school certificate, and am now proud to be a Pod.

    I see no stigma in wearing my crocs, and today will admit to taking possession of my first pair of 'pure silk socks', having been advised on one of my CPD courses that 'Cotton is a killer'.

    Pod has been good to me,

    Bob :)
  32. jollyjoh

    jollyjoh Member

    Apology accepted......but I still don't intend wearing them........!
    A patient of mine from south africa proudly showed me his hand made shoes recently, with soles made from old tyres. Now those I could appreciate, for the recylcling value, and for the workmanship!
  33. R.E.G

    R.E.G Active Member


    It is approaching the festive season, so I hope all forgive the levity.

    But you remind me (not you but what you say) of one of my fellow students, I'm a late entrant to the profession so had 'status' as a student because of my age, and I pampered the young ones when they should not really have been in clinic!

    Anyway I digress, this guy really was not technically very good with a scalpel, which reflected in the way his patients treated him, mainly with fear, (memories of student days?).

    However he was amazingly ingenious with latex, and producing latex dipped items. (Even 12 years ago I think some of us could see the future would not be latex), but his other obsession was the Jaipur Foot. So to the point everyone should know about the Jaipur Foot, it was/ is a brilliant low tec below knee orthosis, and uses tyre treads.

    My philosophy is KISS,

    Lets all have a good festival.

  34. I find this hullabaloo about Crocs intriguing. Once upon a time (DEC 1999 :confused: to be precise) we had to clear some bright blue rubber sandals (which look v.much like said footwear) from a "Scholl" shop bargain display in sunny (ha! ha!) Great Yarmouth UK. So naturally as a green pod I laughed when I saw beach sandals priced at £3.99pr on the rack in mid December but lo & behold all but 1 pr had sold within 3weeks (Didn't know of any pod conferences in the neighbourhood either!).PS Didn't buy any myself then as bright blue would never go with green, but with the new Crocs' colourways though...?
  35. Cameron

    Cameron Well-Known Member


    Crocs now have a serious rival

    New 3d™ technology from Cloggens™ Shoes helped create shoes with three specific densities incorporating C-Forma™ material into their multiple-injection process. The Portland, Ore company was started in October 2005 and manufactures lightweight, hard wearing shoes. Now a serious contender to Crocs ™ the Cloggens Pada is the first molded shoe developed using 3d technology and will be available later this month. The new shoe combines outsole-grade C-Forma material for superior durability and skid-resistance with a second, softer formula on the upper and mid-sole for maximum support and an enhanced fit. A third density in the ultra-soft removable Comfasoles™ insole provides the ultimate in comfort and cushioning. The new range is available in an array of dual-color designs and sizes for men, women and children. The Pada is made from a lightweight, durable and easy-to-clean patented C-Forma material and includes Comfasoles footbeds to absorb sweat. An anti-bacterial and anti-microbial upper is odor-resistant and offers maximum cooling and comfort with strategically placed venting in the toe box. According to the manufacturers the Cloggens' cupped heel ensures there is no friction between the heel and shoe and gives protection and stability. The heel strap’s proprietary design includes snaps to easily detach the strap for added versatility. A durable, abrasion-resistant, non-marking outsole incorporates Cloggens’ distinctive lug pattern to prevent slipping and increase traction.

  36. pd6crai

    pd6crai Active Member

  37. Cameron

    Cameron Well-Known Member

  38. Cameron

    Cameron Well-Known Member

    Whilst in Hong Kong saw the new range of lacing Crocs and of course for the kids jibbitz <http://www2.jibbitz.com/>

  39. Cameron

    Cameron Well-Known Member


    A study from Sweden revealed Crocs could produce a static charge that may interfere with medical testing equipment and then alarmists thought the plastic clog (with holes) could be an added health and safety risk and increase potential damage from ‘sharps.’ Despite no record of injuries by this means Ottawa Hospital, Ontario recently announced a ban on all staff from wearing the colourful clog. Alarmed at the potential risks, the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, city workplace health and safety committees from hospitals and health care settings undertook and investigation into the probability needles, blood, or other fluids could compromise health and safety and infection control by accidentally falling through the holes in Crocs. After careful consideration Winnipeg Regional Health Authority announced this week, Crocs provided no more a health and safety risks than any other similar footwear. Researchers also discovered the amount of static produced by Crocs was comparable with that produced by other footwear and was unlikely to interfere with medical equipment. They are now unlikely to follow the sumptuary ban. According to the president of Manitoba Nurses' Union, at least half of all nurses wear Crocs (or clones) and find them comfortable and supportive through long shifts and demanding physical work. Wearing clogs is well established in many orthopaedic units and surgical staff have worn them for years. Traditional wooden clogs most comfortable and considered far superior to Wellingtons (rubber boots) which can harbour fungal infections. This is especially problematic when footwear is shared for theatre work. Crocs have the added advantage of being made from a synthetic polymer, closed-cell resin called Croslite™. The thermoplastic material provides an easy to clean surface which moulds to fit the foot. Ideal for a single user but when footwear is shared no disadvantage to multi-fit. Crocs were conceived by three friends, Scott Seamans, George Boedecker, and Lyndon Hanson when on a trip in the Caribbean. Seamans demonstrated to his friends a new clog, ironically made by Canadian company called Foam Creations. The shoes effortlessly allowed him to walk on wet surfaces and appear to be an ideal solution for a boaters who need slip resistant shoes to negotiate boat decks.

    Interesting sites

  40. markjohconley

    markjohconley Well-Known Member

    Just got my hands on a pair, pt's father has worn them, and by crikey they sure do flex, sagittal plane, surely not good?, mark c

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