< Effect of an ankle-foot orthosis on gait biomechanics after stroke | Abductor hallucis muscle in hallux valgus >
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    Podiatry, officially recognized as a profession in Romania

  2. William Fowler Active Member

  3. Petcu Daniel Well-Known Member

    A quote from my first post on Podiatry Arena from Jun 30, 2005 : "Romanian podiatrist. The title is a dream. Excuse me for my english... ...My first scope is to learn about foot orthoses and orthopaedic shoes and after this to practice in this field. Can you help me ?" [ https://podiatryarena.com/index.php?threads/french-podiatrist.697/#post-3519 ]

    In the absence of a podiatry school, Podiatry Arena was my first source of knowledge and I was lucky enough to assist here at numerous and very attractive debates about biomechanical concepts who in 2019 still aren't taught in our schools! I've had access at a lot of scientific papers and I've seen who are important names in podiatry. When it was possible I've participated at podiatric events in order to meet them! Don't know why, but now Podiatry Arena seems to lose its initial vivacity which means that the Romanian podiatrists will not be so lucky as I was! I've realized here how important is to have a profession dedicated to foot health and I'm glad for this important step made in my country. This is a great success of the Association for Podiatry and its supporters from Romania and from abroad! Thanks!
  4. Craig Payne Moderator

    Its been a long road! Well done.
  5. Good work, Daniel. Looking forward to the First Annual Romanian Podiatry Seminar!
  6. Petcu Daniel Well-Known Member

< Effect of an ankle-foot orthosis on gait biomechanics after stroke | Abductor hallucis muscle in hallux valgus >

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