< Podiatry on the coast - NZ. | Are you a solemn...or solewoman? Full-time Podiatrist opportunity >
  1. Rich Member

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    We are starting to look for a Podiatrist to fill a position within our busy practice later this year. Our clinic covers and works in all aspects of podiatry with an emphasis on functional/msk. Yes we will make and prescribe orthoses but place value on manual therapy and exercise rehab in the first instance. There is a mix of palliative care but not rest homes, minor surgery as well as the MSK work. If you want to follow up on this please be sure that you have a good grasp on bio-mechanics and not just of the foot and ankle. We have had a relationship with a specialist running shoe store for 20 years and you would be expected to be able to inform patients on the technical aspects of footwear.
    We are looking for a person who can communicate well, wishes to continue to learn, can be part of a team and not expect to be over mothered.
    This is a 5 day a week job where you can have a work life balance. If your interested please get in touch....but if you want this as a working holiday job please think twice as I really want a commitment for longer than 12 months.
    M0re than happy to chew the fat if you have a want to know more and have questions. Please Private message me or send an email to dunpod@actrix.co.nz.
< Podiatry on the coast - NZ. | Are you a solemn...or solewoman? Full-time Podiatrist opportunity >

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