< Biomechanics V Surgery | Any papers suggesting a realtionship to prolonged exercise and the Foot Posture Index >
  1. Kursh Mohammed Active Member

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    I’m trying to decide which one is best for my practice. Are they essential or are they just a fancy gizmo?
  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    I not sure there are any that are capable of doing foot pressures???? There are some that have force plates embeded in them, but I not sure what use that kind of data would be for clinical practice.
  3. Ian Linane Well-Known Member

    Hi Kursh

    Phil Wells of Salts Healthcare (Techstep) Birmingham has one and rates it for what he wants and does. I'm sure he'd agree that it is not easily a research tool but for clinical purposes finds it great.

  4. Phil Wells Active Member


    I do have a treadmill with a pressure plate built in and not withstanding the obvious questions re impact of a moving belt over the plate, the plate being set into a treadmill that 'bounces' etc, I do find it a very helpful clinical tool.
    It does report gait really well by comparing left to right, force time curves seem repeatble, pressure data seems to reflect the syptoms and pathomechanics.
    It is excellent for evaluating different shoes and is very quick to use - no set ups just get them moving on the treadmill and away you go.

    The main issue is that I like to acclimatise the patient to the treadmill for 10 mins + but I use this time to get histoy etc.

    Hope this helps

  5. Craig Payne Moderator

    Is it a pressure platform or a force plate?
  6. Phil Wells Active Member

    Pressure. I think the brand is ZEBRIS if that helps.
  7. Kursh Mohammed Active Member

    Hi Phill, thanks for your reply.
    Is it a treadmill that you use, with a built in pressure measuring system?

    I have come across a few pressure measuring matts through conferences, such as RSscan and novel.

    Though not sure which is the best one to really look into?
  8. Kursh Mohammed Active Member

    Hi Phill, thanks for your reply.
    Is it a treadmill that you use, with a built in pressure measuring system?

    I have come across a few pressure measuring matts through conferences, such as RSscan and novel. A study has showed that the Novel was a reliable measuring system compared to the RSscan and Tekscan to be really breif.

    Would you recommend a specific model?

< Biomechanics V Surgery | Any papers suggesting a realtionship to prolonged exercise and the Foot Posture Index >

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