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London Riots

Discussion in 'Break Room' started by mike weber, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. And there we have it. Quiet night in london, trouble travels north.

    Although there was a lot played down. There was a group formed in maidstone but the Police were all over it like a rash and broke up before it got started.

    All we need now is some bad weather.
  2. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Yep Rob Nothing as far as I know in Croydon last night just eerily quiet as it still is. The traffic hum has gone and the sirens have stopped ,the police choppers are not on station.

    I know many were sent home from work early yesterday an judging by the lack of regular vehicle movement from my neighbours I suspect many are working from home or not going into work.

    I had to pick Annie up from work mid afternoon as there were reports of trouble near her place of work but she has just left to get on the tram and go in again today.

    My sympathy to all who "got some" in the rest of the country last night.

    Lets just hope that's an end to it.

  3. Agreed!

    Seems strange to think that there were 16,000, horribly overtired, probably terrified and deeply relieved police officers standing around watching the tumbleweeds last night.

    Apart, of course, from having to control the vigilantes...
  4. Been BBCing a little over the last couple of days ago the report was £ 157 Million of damage got to be way more now, plus overtime for Police etc, plus clean up bill, plus days off work , plus loss of trade plus etc etc

    Wonder if it will go quite again until friday/saturday?
  5. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    I think the problem here now is how do the authorities stop it completely.

    Are we about to see the most expensive game of cat and mouse between the scum and the police??

    Is there actually a solution to it ??

    16000 police in London, nothing happens there but does up north. Move the police there and then it all kicks off in London again.

    The prospect of that and the resulting financial, emotional/fear concequences are frankly terrifying:eek:

  6. Especially with this economic climate and with the Olympics around the corner.

    ps the cricket started


    So Birmingham must be ok.
  7. Just heard poundland got looted last night in Plymouth. If you are going to break into a shop and loot it why would you choose poundland? Just shows the intelligence at work here.
  8. In and out fast helps when you know where everything is on the shelves.
  9. C'mon, at those prices? You'd be mad NOT to loot poundland! Primark, lidl and JJB were hit hard as well.

    I heard tell of one of the looters fleeing from tesco with a large bag of rice. Those crazy kids!

    Have we found the "terrorism" for the new decade?

    Less loss of life but they've caused more fear, disruption and financial disruption than 7/7 I think...

    And given how the media does not really report the news so much as set the narrative, this could well be the next fashionable crisis. Jihad is SO last decade. Were there stains which old terror did not shift? Then try new improved domestic dread with a new added ingrediant, NIMBY! Nimby has all the great scaring power of old terror but now comes to a city NEAR YOU.

    Every time a bum throws a halfbrick at a branch of threshers from now on they'll be mobbed by journos reporting on the "latest wave of unrest!".
  10. For anyone who's not seen it before, Charlie Brooker made two series of a really brilliant comedy documentary on the news. Its really well worth a watch. Also, really rather funny.

    This one is about how the news actually sets the narrative of current events, based on fear, and how the primary narrative has to change every few years or so to keep it fresh.

    Remember road rage? Flesh eating bacteria? Swine Flu? The cold war? The far right? Ebola? Things which were bloody terrifying in years gone by but which have now fallen out of fashion. They're (mostly) still around, but narry a report on them now. We've moved on.

    Like I say, well worth a watch.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016

  11. This is oldham last night (I think).

    A few things strike me about this view. One is the dissonance, the scene is not unlike a busy Saturday in the shops, but somehow much more menacing for it being quiet.

    The other is that if you watch it with the sound turned down its strongly reminiscent of a scene from Shawn of the Dead. If you fill in your own sound effects with groans and cries of "braaaaaainnss!! mussst eat brraaaaaaaaiiins" it really fits rather well. Try it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
  12. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Go a bit hungry with that lot I expect :rolleyes:

  13. But in lighter news, this made me laugh out loud!

    To all our international colleagues reading this, whilst I'm certain you'll instinctivly jump to comply with Libyas "demand":pigs: I'd offer that you're actually most welcome to "stand by with folded arms". Or indeed hands in pockets, picking your nose or whatever posture seems best to you. The "gross aggression" is not nearly so gross as most of us would like:rolleyes: and the "British people" (by whom one presumes he means the rioters) are probably not well equipped to rule their country. :eek:

    Libya doing the outraged human rights bit is just... weird!!!
  14. blinda

    blinda MVP

    Miliband to `sniff out a hot Wii`.....

    Latest news;

    `Having a gigantic number of policemen on the streets of London does seem to prevent riots, it emerged last night........The government may now extend 'policing' beyond Royal weddings, the Cheltenham Festival and the fat, jolly, middle-aged one who stands outside 10 Downing Street and hands petitions to the person who then puts them in the bin......`


    However there were disturbances in parts of Britain that don't matter......

    Hope that helps!
  15. Griff

    Griff Moderator


  16. LMFAO!!!!!!!

    Word up wid yo bad self init.

    Epic, Epic fail.
  17. Y'all wrong. That's good sensible looting that is. He's gone for a staple food which offers good calorific intake, it'll feed him and his family for several days, its versatile (lots of dishes can be served with this and he ain't just gone for any old long grain- he's gone for basmati (OK it Tesco's value basmati, but its still a basmati). His mom will cook up a pot o' rice n' peas and he'll be well 'appy.

    Contrast his bro': he got a basket full of sweets, biscuits and fizzy pop- his moma gonna thrash his ass when he get home. And his dentist is gonna give him sh1t too.

    P.S. Nice hat, perfect for London in the summer, chubby.

    Attached Files:

  18. Being reported in Australian newspaper from last night.

  19. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

  20. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

  21. Rick K.

    Rick K. Active Member

    Prayers for you and yours in the UK. Our world is truly going to hell in a hand basket.

    Back "in the day" during Army Officer Basic Course, we were instructed that when things got out of hand in a riot situation, you shot the obvious leaders (and not trying to wound as my wife talked about after someone tried to rape her) cutting off the head so to speak. This seems counterintuitive, but saves more lives. Sad thing these days is riots seem more an excuse for robbery than anything else when you watch the videos. But, then again, they're called riots, not demonstrations, aren't they?
  22. I hate to say I told you so. But...

    Now its 4.
  23. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

    You said
    So what are these communities supposed to do when the police cannot protect them? Stand there and let their homes and businesses get trashed, looted and burned?

    I think not.

  24. Businesses and homes can be replaced. Lives cannot.

    I'd defend my self and my family with any force at my disposal. But my property? They can take it. There's at least one family in london that feels the same tonight.
  25. Guess they should have then these 3 young folks would not be dead today
  26. Stand there, get run-over and killed apparently. Which does raise some interesting philosophical musings like: are we all becoming too obsessed with material possession? What is more important: life or material possession? Is it better to let your house burn down given that it is insured than to die trying to protect it?

    Just thinking out-loud.

    Edit: seems Mike, Rob and I are cross-posting, but on the same wave-length.
  27. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Trouble is these scum place no value on human life as in other countries and feel no remorse at taking that human life:bang:

    CF whist I agree that it is just TOO hard to let these Rsoles take your home / business all that you have worked for without a fight ( see my Walther Handgun comment) the vigilante thing is no better coz they have NO AUTHORITY :hammer: and cannot properly sort out a situation that will get out of control with the vigos against the scumos, and will take up police time sorting that out instead of doing the rest of their tasks:mad:

    Insured ???????????? This has been deemed as a riot situation...check your policies against war and riot.. Majority = NOT insured.

    Thats why the butcher who's electric went off in the riots and the resulting fires lost£25,000 of meat in the freezers and found out he was not insured because of the phrase RIOT ,and has gone out of business:bash:

    Loads more like that ...unfortunately.

    Last edited: Aug 10, 2011
  28. Either way, I'd still sooner protect the lives of my family over any material possession. Anyway, it's probably all over bar the shouting now.
  29. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Si , I agree, BUT there is a saying, " I would sooner be judged by 12 men that be carried by 6 "

    It is a very big ask when your family are safe to stand and watch all you have worked for be trashed by these Ferral tossers.

    I'll shout loudest if it makes it over:eek: !!

  30. Yeah, like I said, my clinic was broken into a couple of weeks ago. I didn't stand there and watch, but it still ****** me off to walk in with my six year old daughter and find the place in a state the following morning. But at the end of the day, we're all safe and healthy.
  31. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    As we Speak Si, Sirens everywhere , police chopper back over Croydon, spoke to the other two of my Gkids this afternoon BOTH TERRIFIED :mad:

    An End to it??? I really hope your right I really doo.:confused:

    Tin hat on, doors bolted,window locks on, Walther by my side.

    Have a nice evening:wacko:

    Cheers Fella
  32. As we speak, tumbleweed blowing down my road... I know I should care, but does the village care about Plymouth? If it gets bad, I should pop down to your cottage in Cornwall for the weekend, if I were you, Del.
  33. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    STAND DOWN , choppers gone sirens have gone,silence ensues

    Children's fear remains :empathy:

    Si "the village" cares about people the same as the cottage people in Cornwall care about us in the village judging by the amount of calls I have had from our village in Cornwall enquiring if we are all ok:empathy:

    I have had many a "discussion" with the true Cornish that want Independence for Cornwall. I have told every one of them, " we have many problems in London ( the village) that you cannot begin to comprehend. Cornwall is a county of ENGLAND one of its best.

    Be proud to be ENGLISH and be part of ENGLAND" :D

    With the shyte that is happening now!!

    They understand where I was coming from.....BUT .... do they want to be part of this ???????

    Give them Independence and wish them well AND you in Devon.

    I care Si and thousands like me "in the village" care about human life....BUT the scum we live with don't and as someone said to me yesterday, " we have more people living in London ( that we know about) than in the whole of Australia:eek: so are we ( the caring ones) being outnumbered by the scum??

    I'm frustrated, sad, desperately unhappy for my family and yes it would be so easy to go to the cottage not just for the weekend but for good , EXCEPT ...try and get my Annie to leave the grandkids = NO CHANCE and now they look to me for support and security soo... cant be done I'm afraid.

    This has I fear ruined our retirement plans and any future happiness we had after 44 years of marriage it is still head down arse up and slog away, coz dont forget we all have to pay our taxes :bash:

    Hah Hum

    Cheers Fella
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2011
  34. Del,
    All I'm saying is this: if it gets ****ty up there, bring your family down here for a while where it is much safer. The kids can relax and you'll be less likely to get arrested for shooting someone with your Walther. I don't think the Cornish are going to rise up this weekend (although you can never tell, they've been threatening it for years). Bed now.
  35. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    You know us Brits Mike - there's very little a cup of tea and a sense of humour won't make better.

    Here's my faves:





  36. Jonathan

    Jonathan Active Member

    Just arrived back from London where I found myself surrounded by rioters. I ran for my life looking for a safe, empty place where they wouldn't dare to come looking for me - and suddendly there it was, staring right at me - the local 'Job Centre'.
  37. I enjoyed this one.

    Attached Files:

  38. Am I the only one who finds the one where the teletubbies are carrying people away deeply disturbing?

    The Daily Mash's Psychic bob again showed his wisdom this week...
  39. Teletubbies is one thing, sex dolls are another. For some time I've wondered if anyone, male or female, has actually ever used one of these for its intended purpose? I mean, really. Why? No, really... I'm not expecting anyone here to confess to this. I'm just astounded that they are even manufactured. As a boy in the 1970's we used to find magazines in hedgerows with adverts for these with "life-like" pubic hair- too much information, right?

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