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  1. VIVOPhil Welcome New Poster

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    Hi! I'm Phil, I work for a shoe store in New York City that manufactures and sells a line of barefoot minimalist footwear. I am on the hunt for podiatrists of some renown or who also sit on a board and are interested in barefoot running in the following cities: New York, Boston, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Chicago, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, LA, Seattle, Miami, Dallas or Houston, Atlanta. Thank you! Please reply to me here on the forum or email me at phil@terraplana.com Thanks Doc!
  2. hi Phil you do realise how silly a barefoot shoe is dont you.

    Ie barefoot or shod not possible to be both.
  3. Griff Moderator

    Hi Phil,

    Welcome to Podiatry Arena. Can't help you with Podiatrists in the US, but if you wanted a UK opinion then Mr Steve Bloor fancies himself as a bit of an 'expert'

    Did anyone else know that there may be a link between being barefoot and increased immunity?? For this, and similar other unsubstantiated claims then fill your boots (pun intended) here: http://twitter.com/#!/naturalfeet
  4. Hi Phil. When you say interested in barefoot running, what do you mean? Have you started requiring individuals who buy Vibram FiveFinger shoes to sign a disclaimer that these shoes aren't actually running shoes in order to avoid product liability lawsuits, like other major running shoe stores are starting to do across the nation?
  5. Paulo Silva Active Member

    Wow, really?
  6. Craig Payne Moderator

    Phil - you may find some here in this thread: Debate on Barefoot Running (approaching 1000 posts) and other barefoot running threads.
    A number of pecialist running shoe stores are reportedly getting customers to sign disclaimers/waivers when they buy a pair of Vibram 5 fingers.
  7. VIVOPhil Welcome New Poster

    We don't sell Vibram FiveFingers.
  8. Dana Roueche Well-Known Member

    Kevin, look at VIVO Phil's name and address. Terra Plana is a shoe company that has "VIVO Barefoot" technology as one of there shoe lines that includes the Evo a "barefoot" running shoe and the Neo a minimalist running shoe. VFF are actually a competitor.

    Phil, I am not a medical professional, rather a life long passionate runner trying to broaden my understanding of the relationship of shoe options, health and running efficiency. I currently own 6 pairs of "traditional" running shoes and 6 pairs of "minimalist" shoes including 3 pairs of fivefingers. I alternate the shoes I wear and have been completely successful in never having a running injury in 40 years of daily running. While I have always favored lighter, more flexible running shoes, I have also found benefit in wearing more supportive, cushioned, protective shoes as well and the reason I wear shoes that range across the spectrum.

    I find the Evo to be an interesting shoe but with a price tag of $160, I frankly can't justify the added cost. While competing shoe companies continue to offer their shoes in the $85 to $100 range, I'm not sure how the Evo will have long term success. Also at 8 oz, it's really too heavy compared to some of the competing shoes that are out there. I'm sure you are aware that similar shoes to the Evo will be coming out in March that are reported to weight 6 OZ and cost $100. The New Balance Minimus trail and Minimus road shoes.

    The Neo is more reasonably priced at $120 but at 9.5 oz's, I really don't see how they can be classified as a Minimalist shoe.

    If you read the threads in this Forum on Barefoot running and related subjects, it won't take you long to get a feel for where the "medical" professionals are coming from. At this point, I am considered the Podiatry Arena's resident pain in the backside. That's OK, I'm learning in spite of annoying everyone with my contrary non medical opinions and arguments. Many won't admit it but I'm sure I've given them plenty to think about as well.

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